Victory: Kansas bans ballot-harvesting and a slew of other Democrat election-rigging tricks, overriding leftist governor veto
If a place isn't too far gone to start with, there's reason for hope.
That's what we're now seeing in Kansas, with its legislative override of a gubernatorial veto on a law to ensure free and fair elections, following the similar measures in Georgia:
According to PJMedia's Bryan Preston:
Kansas’ legislature has just overridden its governor’s veto and put into law a set of election reforms similar to those that just weeks ago [in Georgia, that] Joe Biden declared were “Jim Crow on steroids.”
Biden would know these laws are nothing like Jim Crow, if he still had all his mental faculties, because he was around for Jim Crow. Biden happily cavorted with segregationist Democrats when it suited him. And Jim Crow was a Democrat policy.
The legislation bans ballot-harvesting, prohibits electioneering in voting lines, bans private funds from being used to administer public elections (looking at you, Mark Zuckerberg), and prohibits the local secretary of state or governor from making emergency changes to election laws.
Those are all holes in election law that enabled the widespread election fraud in the 2020 election that brought us the odious Joe Biden, a doddering old fool who couldn't even attract a crowd to his rallies, and since taking office has governed like a radical left-wing dictator without the charisma.
Georgia has enacted protective measures to ensure the easily done cheating and abuses don't happen again. Now Kansas.
What's noteworthy here is that the public support for these measures must be incandescent. A veto override is a big deal because it happens so very rarely. Legislators, obviously, were hearing a lot from voters, and being legislators, they're always looking to save their skin. Polls show that the election law improvements enacted in Georgia were immensely popular with the public, giving their wobbly governor excellent cover to defend them without fear of the left. Odds now are the same in Kansas, which like Georgia, is a historically red state.
This isn't about rigging things a different way, by the way, it's about neutrally ensuring free and fair elections, the idea that a voter's vote counts and that their vote can make a difference if they want it to. It actually goes back to the Founding, and the 'Don't tread on me' theme of the Gadsden flag.
The law prohibits ballot box stuffing with fake ballots, union thugs showing up at illegal aliens' doorways and demanding that whoever answers fill out the ballot their way, or sleazebags slipping into nursing homes with a payoff to one of the staff, in order to fill out the incapacitated elderly people's ballots for them. It also prohibits Pennsylvania-style shenanigans with sudden fiat changes in voting laws that enable leftists controlling the show to "find" ballots and not verify them, something the cowardly Supreme Court refused to consider. It doesn't shut out leftists from competing with Republicans, not in the least. It just forces leftists to compete with Republicans on the same terms. That forces them to persuade voters that their ideas are superior, something that takes work, particularly with socialism having such a bad record. They can no longer rig the results with so many kinds of cheating.
As former Vice President Mike Pence has noted: Those kinds of measures to ensure free and fair elections actually increase turnout, now that every know that their ballot will be counted and not cancelled out by a fraudulent one.
The Kansas measure, coming so closely on the heels of the Georgia measure, signals that something big is in the wind, and it's quite likely more states will follow. Nobody wants to be another California, run by incompetents from only a flabby single party, with wokesters in charge and residents and tax revenue fleeing.
This Kansas move shows signs of American renewal and vigor. It's happening -- a wave that will only build.
Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License
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