I guess Caitlyn Jenner is the wrong type of transgender

It was bound to happen. In other words, the left would tell us that Caitlyn (Bruce) is a Republican and cannot be a transgender or something like that.  This is from news reports:

Though Caitlyn Jenner would be the first transgender governor if elected to lead California, she's [sic] been largely rejected by the transgender community, who see her [sic] Republican-leaning views as coming from a place of privilege. 

"She's [sic] completely detached," said Bamby Salcedo, president of the TransLatin@ Coalition, an advocacy group. "All this truly is about her [sic]. It's not about the issues, not about the people."

Christine Hallquist, the first transgender woman [sic] to be a Democratic nominee for governor when she [sic] ran in 2018, told the San Francisco Chronicle Jenner doesn't grasp the challenges faced by trans people. 

I guess Caitlyn wants to control the border, and that puts him out of touch with the challenges facing trans people.

What we see here is that I've experienced being a conservative Hispanic.  In many instances, liberals have accused me of being out of touch because I support legal immigration.  I recall one time debating a liberal, and he said that I should support "our people" and defend open borders.  I asked what "people" he was talking about, since all of my real "people" came here legally.  We didn't get too far after that.

Frankly, I find Caitlyn Jenner repulsive.  He is a man dressed up as a woman.  I don't care that I agree with his political views; the whole issue of transgenderism is repulsive and unnatural.  Nevertheless, we are seeing once again that transgenders are liberals first and transgenders second.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Web Summit.

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