Do the 'woke' know about the dangers of the casual use of the term 'domestic terrorist'?
"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them." —George Orwell
In "woke" society, West Coast Democrats who attack police and property are underprivileged "protesters," while Republicans who break the law are poorly educated domestic terrorists.
Violent Antifa = protester...MAGA lawbreaker = terrorist.
This corrosive labeling of groups by U.S. media and the ruling class is at the root of the huge division in this country.
There was a time in America when people with opposing political views could agree on some simple and obvious things. Like, when you throw Molotov cocktails at police, you are a lawbreaker, no matter whom you voted for. And when you walk into the United States Capitol and steal the speaker of the House's lectern and laptop, you are a law-breaker. Not complicated.
But, sadly, this is not the America we live in today. The hope of Joe Biden's great promise of "unity" has quickly faded. It's not unity the ruling class seeks; it's the philosophy of The Big Lebowski, "the Dude abides," which means: be constant, take it easy, and think as we do. As long as we abide, we are united.
In his inaugural address on Jan. 20, 2021, President Joe Biden announced that the "rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism" is an emerging threat to the country that Americans "must confront" and "defeat."
Not wasting any time, on the day of the inauguration, the U.S. House of Representatives announced the introduction of the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act (DTPA) of 2021, H.R. 350.
Using astonishingly inflammatory language, Rep. Brad Schneider (IL-10) compared the riots at the U.S. Capitol to the 9/11 attacks, saying: "Following the terrifying attack on the Capitol this month, which left five dead and many injured, the entire nation has been seized by the potential threat of more terrorist attacks in Washington and around the country. Unlike after 9/11, the threat that reared its ugly head on January 6 is from domestic terror groups and extremists, often racially motivated violent individuals. America must be vigilant to combat those radicalized to violence, and the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act gives our government the tools to identify, monitor, and thwart their illegal activities. Combatting the threat of domestic terrorism and white supremacy is not a Democratic or Republican issue, not left versus right or urban versus rural. Domestic Terrorism is an American issue, a serious threat the we can and must address together."
Congressman Stephen Cohen made international news with his reprehensible smear of the Army National Guard, calling them overly white and male, while insinuating that they were untrustworthy and dangerous because they voted for Donald Trump.
The leftist bigot from Tennessee said: "'The National Guard is 90-some-odd percent male, and only about 20 percent of white males voted for Biden.' 'You've got to figure that in the Guard, which is predominantly more conservative ... they're probably not more than 25 percent of the people there protecting us that voted for Biden. The other 75 percent are in the large class of folks that might want to do something,' Cohen said, speaking to CNN." "You got to figure" — well, no, you don't.
There is no excuse for Twitter not to yank Stephen Cohen's Twitter account — his bigotry is inciting action against a large class of law-abiding citizens. Cohen leaves nothing to the imagination. He is calling for action to root out soldiers of the United States Army trained to protect American citizens because of their political beliefs.
In typical CNN fashion, news host Jim Sciutto offered little challenge to the congressman's offense. For example, he could have asked, "How do you expect the military to fill its ranks if they were to purge 75% of its soldiers because they voted for the Republican? Should we start recruiting infantry soldiers from Wellesley College or Oberlin?"
Democrats led by President Biden have set in motion a war on domestic terrorism.
Investigative reporter Glenn Greenwald told Tucker Carlson on Fox News: "There is literally nothing that could be more dangerous, and it's not fear-mongering or alarmism to say it, essentially [they seek to] criminalize any oppositional ideology to the ruling class. There are bills pending by Adam Schiff that would simply take the existing war on terror legislation always aimed at foreign governments and foreign actors, and simply amend it to say we can do that within the United States."
Cloaked in a struggle for "human rights" and "unity," a cultural revolution is taking place in America and on the world stage that is slowly turning into open totalitarianism.
Retired Archbishop Hoser of Poland, a Vatican envoy, wrote these powerful words on Christmas Eve: "The cultural revolution in the end always has a Marxist character. Today we are witnessing the relativization of life in which a person qualifies as useful or useless. Those marked as useless are removed from society. Such a cultural revolution underlies all dictatorships such as Italian fascism, German Nazism or Soviet communism."
It remains to be seen if the progressive left can show signs of understanding the importance of respectfully accepting political differences. If the left insists that those who have questions about things like "climate change," are exhibiting dangerous thoughts, then America is on a path to a totalitarian state. Americans will face a dystopian future where street corners, office buildings, even our own homes will have the ambience of clean, corporate, lifeless airport terminals where somebody is always watching. "See something, say something" will be the pledge of allegiance.
The "woke," the "Be Kind" neighbors will mock this gloomy vision. Nevertheless, they will seethe and wring their hands on what to do with the 75 million Americans who voted Republican.
Stephen Ryan publishes Mystic and recently authored the Amazon bestselling novel The Madonna Files. Mystic Post's social media following is over 100,000.
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