'Nevermind.' The New York Times goes Emily Litella on its garbage '1619' project
With its case for America being founded entirely on the idea of perpetrating slavery meeting pushback and as factual history falling apart, the New York Times is now very, very quietly trying weasel out of the worst claims of its "1619" project, hoping no one is going to notice.
According to the Washington Examiner's Becket Adams:
New York Times Magazine editors have quietly removed controversial language from the online version of Hannah-Jones’s 1619 Project, a package of essays that argue chattel slavery defines America’s founding. Hannah-Jones herself also asserts now that the project’s core thesis is not what she and everyone else involved originally said it was.
It “does not argue that 1619 is our true founding," she said on Friday. She declared elsewhere in July that it “doesn’t argue, for obvious reasons, that 1619 is our true founding.”
This is a brazen lie. When the 1619 Project debuted both online and in print in August 2019, the online version’s text stated originally [emphasis added]:
The 1619 project is a major initiative from The New York Times observing the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as our true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.That same online passage, which was the source of so much controversy among historians on both sides of the aisle, now reads:
The 1619 Project is an ongoing initiative from The New York Times Magazine that began in August 2019, the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.
That wasn't the only change, Adams notes. The '1619' driving author, Nikole Hannah-Jones, who won a Walter Duranty-style Pulitzer Prize for her efforts, argued that America was founded entirely on the idea of perpetrating slavery on her Twitter page, and even had '1776' crossed out on her Twitter banner with '1619' replacing it. She got rid of that mendacious little propaganda, too.
Legal Insurrection notes that the far-leftists at World Socialist Web Site have noticed and are plenty upset. Here's what they concluded, writing what they write as if it's a bad thing:
These deletions are not mere wording changes. The “true founding” claim was the core element of the Project’s assertion that all of American history is rooted in and defined by white racial hatred of blacks. According to this narrative, trumpeted by Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones, the American Revolution was a preemptive racial counterrevolution waged by white people in North America to defend slavery against British plans to abolish it.
Which is pretty sneaky indeed. Already historians have discredited '1619' as garbage. Yet '1619' has drawn slavering from the Pulitzer committee and numerous other awards, and is now being formed as a packet to be taught in schools, teaching America's little kids that America is a disgusting place and its founding a fraud.
President Trump pushed back on this juggernaut, and since then, toppled the whole house of cards, driving even the Times to want to pretend it never happened. They made no notations of changes in their content on this garbage, they just wanted to gaslight us that none of their earlier claims had ever happened.
Which is why they ought to be held accountable.
Here's the stellar summary as to why from Instapundit's Sarah Hoyt:
She's right - there should be a cost for shoving those kinds of lies at America's little kids, making them hate their own country. As Eric Hoffer once noted "Is there any greater freedom than to be wrong?' Next time these clowns claim to be oppressed, this garbage needs to be thrown at them. And the entire project needs to be pulped. One hopes that the Times with its backtracking eventually gets the intestinal fortitude to do it, but no one should hold their breath. They'd just as soon lie to you about their lies at this point.
Or go Emily Littela, and say 'never mind.'
Pushback's a beach. President Trump deserves America's thanks for calling out a very big ugly emperor parading around as naked.
Image credit: Twitter screen shot, meme