Meghan and Harry to let cameras follow them around for Netflix reality TV series

Apparently, nothing is sacred with Meghan Markle and her man-on-the-string, Prince Harry. 

After telling us how privacy-obsessed they were, with Harry weeping sob stories about his mom and the papparazzi, and even suing some media companies for their intrusions, as well as leaving their high-vis rented mansion in the Hollywood Hills for more sedate (but pricier) Montecito, they've now decided to go full frontal, back for the cameras, making themselves the stars of some reality TV. No kidding, it's a project with Netflix cameras following them around. Seems they like themselves those cameras.

According to the Daily Mail:

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are said to have agreed to star in a fly-on-the-wall Netflix reality series with cameras following them for three months.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are hoping to 'give people a glimpse into their lives and see all the charity work they do', according to a source.
It comes after the royal couple signed a £112million Netflix deal to make TV series, films and children's shows for the streaming service.

They're letting it all hang out. No privacy whatsoever, one wonders if the cameras will film them in marital fights or making trips to the bathroom.

Which sure as heck is anathema to Harry's grandma, the U.K.'s Queen Elizabeth, who is already showing signs of displeasure with the self-aggrandizing pair. Royalty, after all, is all about maintaining some kind of distance, projecting some kind of mystique. The Kim Kardashian thing, which demonstrated that there was big money in going full frontal, talented or not, is not exactly a royal practice. In fact, it's something they hate insanely.

Not for this pair. They're busy branding themselves and selling themselves by letting the cameras follow them around and film everything they do. They claim it's because they want to show off their charity, and like Playboy photo shoots of old, it's going to be all so very tasteful.

According to the Mail:

A source told The Sun: 'They may have had all these lofty ideas about producing epics highlighting environmental causes and the poverty gap, but Netflix obviously want their pound of flesh.

'It will all be very tasteful, and not Katie Price and Peter Andre-style reality TV, but they want to give people a glimpse into their lives and see all the charity work they do.'

Memo to Harry and Meghan: If you want charity to count, you're supposed to do it when no one is looking.

It's such a fraud. They claimed they wanted privacy, and they claimed they wanted to just produce tasteful Netflix videos on environmental, social justice and other rich-man's causes from behind the scenes, but actually, they've decided to sell themselves. The queen was aghast at their original plans to sell tourist tschotchkas through their vulgarly named sussexroyal site, and put a stop to it. Now they're selling themselves instead as the product to the public. One can just imagine how that goes over back in London.

Over here, all one can think of this fame-and-camera obsessed pair is 'vulgar, vulgar, vulgar.' 

Image credit: Entertainment Tonight screen shot, via shareable YouTube. Image enhanced with FotoSketcher.


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