Europeans increasingly see China replacing the US as the world’s dominant power

China Daily, a propaganda organ of the Chinese Communist Party, gleefully reports:

Many Germans now believe the United States has had its day as the world's main superpower, and that China is poised to take its place.

The expectation of a changing of the guard was revealed in a survey conducted by the United Kingdom-based polling specialists YouGov.

Deutsche Welle, the German government's international public broadcaster, reported that 42 percent of Germans feel the US will lose its status as the planet's biggest influencer in the coming decades.

Only 14 percent of the 4,054 people surveyed thought the US will hang on to its position. Some 23 percent were undecided on the issue and 22 percent did not give an answer when asked whether "the US or China will be more powerful in the course of the next 50 years."

The article reports on another survey of 11,000 Europeans seeing a similar level of negative views of the US. It should be noted that European media generally take the same attitude toward the Trump administration that the New York Times and Washington Post do, accounting for some of these attitudes. But these results are not really surprising.

China likes itself very much, thank you, does not suffer from an iota of self-inflicted cultural guilt or self-loathing, is a mono cultural society with near universal agreement on values (the family [as universally understood for millenia], respect for tradition and national history, hard work, and celebration of [unevenly distributed] talent).

And it admits only its brightest and most academically qualified to university - as demonstrated by scores on objective national tests that are very hard and very stressful for its non-snowflake young.

Chnese military parade (source)

America, on the other hand, is a balkanized mess, divided by ideology, values and a deliberately and now dangerously encouraged race division, with absolutely no widespread agreement on anything of importance.

Utter the truth in America that success, defined as reaching one's potential, is open to all who are willing to work hard and live by the timeless virtues of hard work, respect for others, especially older persons, and self-reliance, and be prepared to be ostracized or, if a university student, expelled as a racist.

One of America's two major political parties now openly rejects the nation's history as evil and supports revolutionary violence to impose, among other things, an economic system - socialism - that China abandoned as a hopeless failure almost as soon as Mao assumed room temperature.

In place of China's cultural self-approbation, America's intellectual elites, especially in its public schools, universities and popular culture, propagandize its impressionable youth with the message that America is and always has been racist and evil, and force feed them the lie that all the nation's wealth was built by slavery.

A substantial percentage of America's elected officials (mostly Democrats but a few Republicans, too) have so bought into these lies, and are so immobilized by a groundless guilt and hyper moral relativism, that they refuse to resist widespread looting and destruction in our cities over virtually non-existent "racism."

All across the nation universities are engaged in the process of eliminating standardized tests and deemphasizing grades as criteria for admission, to make it easier to admit the academically incompetent. In America, university admission is soon to become a reward for presumed prior victimization, rather than an indication of academic ability. God save us from the next generation of doctors, lawyers and engineers.  

Meanwhile, the nation as a whole is so seized by moral relativism that it can't bring itself to impose minimal standards of public decency and, in consequence, its cities are overrun with alcoholics, drug addicts and the seriously mentally ill, all camping in public spaces, surrounded by quantities of filth that would shame the truly impoverished of the third world.

While all this goes on the nation focuses on truly important questions, like renaming its streets, tearing down public monuments and deciding the proper, non-judgmental pronoun for sexually confused youth.

Which of these two nations will become dominant?


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