Denver disgrace deepens as Michelle Malkin calls out perps and enablers of attack on Sunday’s aborted pro-police rally

On Monday, the day after the violent leftist attack on Michelle Malkin and her fellow conservatives at a pro-police rally in Denver, more information about the assailants came to light. For a refresher, my blog yesterday at American Thinker was the first draft of the history of this disturbing event. On Monday, an article by Lance Hernandez at KMGH-TV channel7 Denver identified the anti-police “counter protesters” who succeeded in violently shutting down the 6th annual pro-police rally, where Malkin was to be a featured speaker, as representing “the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and other Black Lives Matter supporters, including the Afro-Liberation Front.” In other words, revolutionary Marxist communists.

Despite the involvement in the story of Malkin, an extremely well-known and popular conservative icon, there was little coverage of what happened to her on Sunday in Denver with the exception of my blog yesterday at American Thinker and an article at the Gateway Pundit. Several articles and TV reports, mostly in local Denver media, covered the dissolution of the rally itself without reporting accurately on the left-wing assailants. Any mention of Malkin being assaulted was absent or at most in passing.

All day on Monday, Malkin continued to update her Twitter account with more details and video clips of what went down on Sunday. She gave one interview Monday, live by telephone for 16 minutes on Jeff Kuhner’s morning drive time Kuhner Report talk show on WRKO AM 680 in Boston (audio on YouTube here). In introducing Malkin, Kuhner commented “She has not been seriously hurt, thank the Lord, but clearly this was an assault.” In her opening comment to Kuhner and his audience, Malkin said:

I’ve helped these kinds of rallies dozens of times in my career. This is the first time that it got out of control. This is the first time that I witnessed violence within a foot of me. . . This is one of the tactics that we’ve seen now, especially in the last couple of months. The so-called peaceful protesters will put women in the front lines while they are coordinating the real bloody violence in the second line behind them.

Denver police were present at the event but ironically appeared to be disinclined to protect the peaceful pro-police rally attendees who were set upon by the BLM/Antifa cadres immediately after the rally began.

Law Enforcement Appreciation Day organizer Ron MacLachlan beaten w/longboard & bullhorn by BLM/Antifa. Source: Michelle Malkin’s Twitter.

Another even more graphic photo of a gaping head wound inflicted on a pro-police rally attendee by a radical leftist “counter protester” can be seen in the body of this article.

According to the Denver Post, whose sanitized account of the events did not begin to describe the violence clearly perpetrated by the BLM/Antifa contingent:

The pro-police rally had been billed as a family-friendly event with music, speakers and food, and was promoted by Randy Corporon, an attorney. . . Corporon said Sunday that Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen asked him to reschedule or move the pro-police rally, expressing concern that police officers would be put in harm’s way by the event. . .

“We’re exercising our constitutional right to peacefully assemble, and we have no intention of giving up that ground to these domestic terrorists,” Corporon said, referring to the counter-protesters. He added that he believes Pazen doesn’t support his own officers.

“This chief of police is the guy who walked hand-in-hand with Black Lives Matter,” he said, describing that movement as a push toward anarchy.

At one of her tweets here Malkin has a photo of Chief Pazen marching arm in arm on June 1 with his BLM friends. Her tweet links to a July 8 story at CBS Local Denver “’We Have To Move Forward Together’: Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen Talks Lessons Learned After Protests.”


After Sunday afternoon’s pro-police rally was shut down after only a few minutes (following the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer), some news accounts showed the radical counter-protesters harassing the police, at which point, according to an account published on Monday at Fox News:

Anti-police demonstrators also stood in front of a police vehicle to prevent it from leaving. . .

One person [from the radical counter-protesters] was arrested for assault. Police said a supervisor was at the scene to ensure the two pepper ball deployments and one hand-held fog device deployment were carried out according to the department's policy.

On Kuhner’s program early Monday, Malkin, her voice filled with emotion, expressed:

…disgust at the [Denver] police chief Paul Pazen who just a month ago was marching with Black Lives Matter. He’s very representative of many of the liberal SJW (social justice warrior leftist) police chiefs who have done this. And yet this man refused to say that we would be protected for our rally yesterday. I guess that’s the bitter cruel irony that a lot of people are laughing about. But it’s a wake-up call that even and especially a rally to support police is not safe and will not be protected by police.

In the pinned tweet at her Twitter account on Monday, Malkin expressed similar frustration at this recent turn of events:

How do we stand up when police obey BLM demands to stand down? How do we #backtheblue when the blue won't back us?

Peter Barry Chowka is a veteran journalist who writes about politics, media, popular culture, and health care for American Thinker and other publications.  He also appears in the media, including recently as a guest analyst on BBC World News.  Peter's website is  For updates on his work, follow Peter on Twitter at @pchowka.

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