Cops pull out: Democrats in need of convention protection can now call a hippie

One hundred police agencies delivered a vote of "no confidence" in the Democrats' fitness to govern, pulling out from contracts to protect the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, just three weeks before kickoff.

According to Fox News:

More than 100 police agencies are pulling out of security agreements to send personnel to next month's Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee over orders that would prevent officers from using certain crowd control measures during protests, Fox News has learned.

The police departments were part of a collective of outside agencies poised to send officers to secure the event, which will run from Aug. 17–20 and where Joe Biden is expected to be named the party's presidential nominee. The action comes after the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission directed Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales to change department policy to restrict the use of tear gas and pepper spray.

That's quite a statement coming from that many police agencies.  Who will be left to police the Democratic Convention with this many agencies out is anyone's guess.  Maybe the hippies can help.

The police pullout is an entirely reasonable and rational.  On a broad level, Democrats have refused to condemn the far-left mob violence directed against police and property in every blue city from New York to Minneapolis to Portland to Seattle.

They've also demonized police, blaming them for every act of violence that occurs as leftist mobs run wild, tearing down statues and destroying property.  President Trump's recent effort to send in federal officers to protect courthouses in some cities has been met with blue-city mayors' claims that police make matters worse.

Democratic leaders such as Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti have demonized police as "killers" while Marxist Democrats such as New York's Mayor Bill de Blasio gave "the talk" to his black son about the wickedness of the police.  For Democrats, the cops are always "pigs."

No Democrat has condemned the widespread violence of blue cities, nor stood up for the police officers who are being sent into harm's way to stop it.

Worse still, Democrats are calling to "defund" the police at a time of runaway crime owing to their criminal justice "reform."  Cops are getting the message from the Democrats and responding accordingly.

The specific stated reason, about not being able to use crowd control measures, is important, too.  Basically, the cops will be left to control crowds with pretty much just their guns because they've just been prohibited from using any non-lethal standard crowd control measures.

Combine that with the riot-mindedness of the Democrats these days, and it's all but certain the police will be placed in an untenable position — either as sitting ducks for the leftist mobs to beat and blind, as they've done in Democrat strongholds such as Portland and Seattle, or else the sucker's role of bad guy, the cops who defend themselves from "peaceful protesters," as the Democratic euphemism goes these days.  Either way, they aren't going to win.

Democrats, by the way, have a history of violence at their conventions.  The 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago, brought on by rioting leftists, pretty much got branded a "police riot" rather than a leftist riot.  Cops know who would be blamed in the next one by Democrats. 

There's another political aspect of this pullout: police have historically been pretty friendly to the more moderate branches of the Democratic Party — Joe Biden's branch — at least until recently.  It's the Irish cop thing, plus the working-class police unions, as Biden is always happy to milk for political gain.  Obviously, that tie is gone for good now.  And there's no comparable police pullout to the Republican convention, wherever that may be.  It seems the Democrats have lost the previously friendly law enforcement community vote.

In favor of...what?  The craziest fringe extremists in America?  This doesn't sound as though it will end well for them.

Got trouble, Dems?  Call a hippie.

Image credit: Poster Boy via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

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