These black lives don't matter, as far as the national media are concerned
The death of George Floyd has convulsed the nation for a week now, the literal flames fanned by the national media. But a far larger — and ongoing — death toll of (mostly) young black men in Chicago slain by gang warfare gets almost no attention — perhaps because the many killers in question are mostly other young black men of the criminal gang persuasion.
As rioters looted, burned, assaulted, and killed nationwide, Chicago saw one of its worst weekend death tolls ever.
The Chicago Sun-Times tallies "82 shot, 22 fatally, over Chicago's most violent weekend of 2020." By that newspaper's count, 17 of the 22 killed were felled on Sunday, following a Saturday night marked by riots and destruction. The Cook County medical examiner counted only 15 gun homicides countrywide, but the office did note that the medical examiner conducted 35 autopsies that day, 15 to 20 more than normal:
"This is an unprecedented amount of homicides in one day for our office," said Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Ponni Arunkumar. "The most I can recall in one day since I started here in 2003 is 10."
Of the 15 slain by gunfire, 12 were black, 2 Latino, and one "other."
No demonstrations, much less riots, over this horrendous death toll. And almost no national media attention.
This represent an escalation in the already rapidly increasing carnage last month, as tabulated by
Final May Totals (YoY)
Shot & Killed: 77 (+51%)
Shot & Wounded: 313 (+54%)
Total Shot: 390 (+54%)
Total Homicides: 81 (+45%)
Hat tip: Peter von Buol.