Schadenfreude: Rabid leftists of CHOP refuse to quit their Seattle squats, leaving lefty mayor up a crik without a paddle
After supporting Seattle's CHOP and declaring it a "summer of love," Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan had no choice but to bow out of it, given that it had become a killing zone and police were obstructed from tending the gunfire victims bleeding in the streets.
The lawsuits from destroyed businesses were looming, plus there was President Trump, a man she rabidly hated herself, threatening to come in and hose that hellhole out if she wouldn't.
Only a little bit of egg on her face, she tried to tell the media lackeys, as she backed down and declared the CHOP over. No more block party, summer of love done, and summer hadn't even officially started. Clearing her throat, she announced that community organizers would clear the streets and direct the homeless to 'services' and lefty-ism could happily go on.
Just one problem:
The rabid leftists embedded at CHOP have no intention of leaving.
According to KOMO News:
SEATTLE — Two nights after some decided to leave the ‘Capitol Hill Organized Protest’ saying the movement was over, a few dozen people remain Thursday camped outside of the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct.
As of now, they tell KOMO News they won’t leave “until their demands are met,” which include defunding SPD by 50 percent and moving that money in to Black communities.
And with the smaller crowds, some leaders with what’s being called the “CHOP Council” say it actually helps to better focus their message.
“We’ve really weeded out the people that are here to protest and the people that are here to party,” said Mark Anthony, identifying himself as a member of the “CHOP Council.”
Then she lays out her plan of action, which is basically to say, the next time a warlord sprays a public park, call a social worker.
[W]e are working with the community to bring this to an end ... we need to disrupt the cycle of violence ... de-escalate and move people to services...we are engaging those partners now[.]
And her prospects for success?
"I am hopeful that these organizations will convince these people to leave."