More proof that the FBI knew all along that Trump hadn’t colluded with Russia

American Thinker readers have long known that the Russia Hoax had no grounding in fact but was, instead, the permanent bureaucracy’s effort to remove from office a president who had threatened to clean out the bloated, corrupt, partisan Deep State. The Mueller report, however, even as it exonerated Trump and his associates, was written in such a way as to imply that it exonerated them by the skin of their teeth. Likewise, the report that Inspector General Horowitz wrote about the fraudulent FISA applications that enabled the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign had redacted footnotes that, frustratingly, only hinted at even worse conduct than mere carelessness or bureaucratic arrogance and ineptitude.

At long last, though, William Barr’s Department of Justice is beginning to speed the process of exposing the deep corruption behind the Russia Hoax. It is a level of corruption greater than anything ever seen before in American government. Barr alluded to this when he had his interview with Laura Ingraham, telling her, “I think the president has every right to be frustrated, because I think what happened to him was one of the greatest travesties in American history.”

As part of revealing what really happened, the Department of Justice unmasked previously redacted material in footnotes in the report that Inspector General Michael Horowitz published in December. We also finally learned about George Papadopoulos’s exculpatory statements when he disavowed any knowledge about the hack into the DNC’s emails, exclaiming that trying to get that type of information would have been “illegal.”

Reporter John Solomon, who has long been at the cutting edge of every revelation about the entire Russia hoax, has put together a list of

13 of the most important revelations that undercut the FBI’s predicate for opening  an investigation targeting the Trump campaign in July 2016, for obtaining a year’s worth of FISA warrants to spy on former campaign adviser Carter Page and for seeking a special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, to take over and extend the probe.

The list is detailed, well-organized, clearly written, and well-sourced. Anyone who wants to understand just how badly the Obama holdouts in the Deep State behaved should read it. Here are just a few items to whet your appetite:

1.) The FBI possessed information dating to 2015 in Steele’s intelligence (Delta) file warning that he might be the victim of Russian disinformation through his contacts with Vladimir Putin-connected oligarchs. By 2017, the FBI was warned specific false information in Steele's dossier was planted by Russian intelligence, according to the declassified notes that became public from Michael Horowitz’s report.

2.) Senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr warned the FBI in August 2016 that Steele held an extreme bias against Trump (he was “desperate" to defeat Trump) and that his information was likely uncorroborated raw intelligence.

3.) Steele’s work on the dossier was funded by Trump’s rival in the election, Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and the Democratic Party, through their opposition research firm, Fusion GPS. Ohr warned the FBI in August 2016 that Steele’s work was connected to the Clinton campaign in some way.

4.) Steele told a State Department official in October 2016, 10 days before the FISA warrants were first secured, that he had leaked to the news media and had an election day deadline for making public the information he had shared with the FBI as a confidential human source.

You can read the rest of the list here.

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