Samantha Bee launches a scathing, impressively stupid attack on Prager U

Samantha Bee got her start on the Jon Stewart show.  She is a worthy heir, for she's mastered his techniques of pretending that snarky, fact-free comments about conservatives constitute news or astute political analysis.  On Wednesday, Bee spent almost seven minutes hurling insults at Dennis Prager, at Prager U, and at the people who have appeared in Prager U videos.

It's clear that the people behind the show are panicking about how effectively the Prager U videos counter the leftist narrative that's mainlined into the American brain through academia, "news," and entertainment media.  In fact, progressives are right to panic.  Their panic has been counterproductive, though.  By attacking Prager U with crude sarcasm and mean statements that an indoctrinated audience perceives as jokes, Samantha Bee created a fundraising bonanza for Prager U.

For those unfamiliar with Prager U, this online learning experience (which makes no pretense of being a formal university) consists of short videos, each of which focuses on a specific topic.  The videos are narrated by experts in their fields — political analysts, comedians, historians, economists, people who escaped communism, philosophers, and more.  The videos are unabashedly conservative, but they deal in documentable facts, logical conclusions, and philosophical analysis and insights.

The videos are understandable, interesting, and persuasive, so they scare the living daylights out of progressives.  Dennis Prager has been battling Google's YouTube for years over the fact that YouTube classifies significant numbers of videos as restricted, meaning they can't be shown in schools, and that it demonetizes other videos.  The topics YouTube tries to ban include the founding of Israel, the Ten Commandments on murder, and Christian persecution.

Just this past January, the New York Times realized that the Prager U videos were providing a powerful counter-narrative to the nonstop leftist drumbeat dominating America's airwaves and education.  Now Samantha Bee and her writers have realized it, too.

Bee's shtick begins with the obligatory ritual hurling of insults at Fox News.  Bee then implies that Prager U is falsely advertising itself as a university, only to acknowledge that Prager U itself acknowledges that it's not an accredited institution but is, instead, a university in the classic sense — that is, it is a place where people go to learn.

As far as Bee is concerned, Prager U is a terrible thing because it's teaching people conservative thinking:

And what are these dangerous ideas?  Some examples that Bee gives are that Prager U teaches that murder is evil, men and women are different, "fairness" is a cover for leftist virtue-signaling, modern art is meant to shock, Planned Parenthood provides more abortions than actual health care, and sex has (or should have) meaning...ideas like that.

Right there, you see Bee's problem.  When people watch the videos, they know they're hearing the truth, albeit from a conservative perspective.

Bee understands her problem, which is why she resorts to personal insults against Prager himself, ridicule and insults against the video hosts, scatological jokes, sex jokes about God, and anything else she can think of to hide the fact that she has no substantive responses to the points Prager and his guest hosts make in the videos.  At the end of the day, the only reason Bee has for saying "Prager U is actually dangerous" is that she disagrees with the videos, although she is incapable of explaining why she is right and the videos' contentions are wrong.

Prager U responded happily to Bee's attack against it, for she gave the organization some priceless free advertising by offending people across the board:

Here's Bee's segment attacking Prager U.  It's a mean-spirited, intellectually empty combination of ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision:

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