Frank Biden still owes $1 million for a fatal car accident

Twenty years ago, Joe Biden's brother Frank had a default judgment entered against him in a wrongful death lawsuit.  Now, even though he's fabulously wealthy thanks to brother Joe's influence, Frank refuses to pay that debt.

For a long time, the media looked the other way when it came to Biden's habit of claiming to be an "ordinary Joe," even as he funneled millions of dollars to his family.  Things have changed, though, for two reasons:

First, by impeaching Donald Trump over Ukraine, Democrats forced Hunter Biden into the limelight.  Now all Americans know that Joe's wastrel son, a man with no qualifications, got himself an $83,000-per-month job for which he had no qualifications in a country in which his father had political influence.

Second, Peter Schweizer published Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite, which examines the ways in which Progressive politicians, all of whom enthusiastically endorse some form of socialism, are raking in money.  Chief among the "money rakers" is Joe Biden.  The book told us that it wasn't only Hunter who got rich thanks to Joe.  Another person who benefited was Joe's brother Frank:

Frank Biden, the youngest brother of former Vice President Joe Biden, saw his business interests benefit from millions of dollars in taxpayer loans to Caribbean nations during the Obama years.


In total, between 2009 and the end of the Obama administration, Frank Biden's Caribbean projects benefited from more than $54 million in U.S. taxpayer loans. [Emphasis added.]

Despite becoming extraordinarily wealthy, Frank is a deadbeat.  The Daily Mail discovered that Frank was involved in a fatal car accident in California in 1999, was sued, and fled the state to avoid paying the default judgment rendered against him.  The Daily Mail provides a short summary of Frank's heinous behavior (and you can read a more lengthy discussion about the same facts at the link):

  • Frank Biden was found partially legally responsible for the death of Michael Albano in August 1999 but has never acknowledged his liability or paid any compensation — not even turning up for a single court hearing, meaning the case was a default judgment;
  • Albano died when he was on foot crossing the road on Highway 101 in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, beside Encinitas, California, when the high-powered Jaguar XK8 convertible rented by Frank Biden hit him at as much as 80mph. The speed limit was 35mph;
  • Biden, then 43, was riding shotgun when he shifted the 290hp car into manual and told the driver, Jason Turton, 25, to 'punch it,' just before hitting Albano;
  • Biden was allegedly heard saying 'keep driving' and Turton fled the scene, telling police someone advised him to, while another passenger in the car said 'everyone was drinking';
  • Biden fled California leaving a trail of unpaid bills and never even turned up in court when Albano's family sued him, according to court document;
  • In 2008 the dead man's family pleaded with Joe Biden to help in a heartfelt letter, but his Senate chief of staff replied that while Joe wanted him to pay, Frank had 'no assets';
  • Despite claiming to be a recovering alcoholic, Frank Biden has a string of DUIs as well as other driving offenses, and earlier this month was seen driving with a suspended license in Florida;
  • He is now finally facing justice over the unpaid compensation, with a legal action to garnish his wages under way in Florida, which could begin to give some cash to Albano's family.

Do we still care about Biden's brother?  Yes.  And that's true despite the fact that, while there still isn't a final vote tally in Iowa, it's apparent that Biden made a dismal showing there.  In other words, as of now, it looks as if Joe is yesterday's news, not tomorrow's potential president.

Nevertheless, the two putative frontrunners in Iowa are not likely to capture the national vote: Bernie is a stone-cold socialist, and blacks don't like Buttigieg, no matter how much he sucks up to them.  If the Democrats are willing to game the system again, as they did in 2016, they may find themselves looking at Biden, who still floats along on that reservoir of goodwill he built during the Obama years, especially among the all-important African-American Democrat voting bloc.  For that reason, Joe's and Frank's corruption still matters.

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