An Iowan who voted for Buttigieg wants her vote back when she learns he's gay
A video made the rounds on Tuesday showing an Iowa caucus voter who submitted her card for Buttigieg, learned that he is gay, and asked to get her card back. The video was notable for two facts: (1) a person who was neither a political junkie nor an activist hadn't gotten the message about Buttigieg's sexual orientation, and (2) the Buttigieg caucus worker and the voter engaged in a very civil conversation.
Neither woman emerged with a different viewpoint, but each was respectful of the other. Indeed, the caucus worker was much more respectful toward the voter than Buttigieg was when he essentially kicked a woman out of the Democrat Party because she was pro-life. (In other words, the statement in the tweet below that the voter "flipped out" is a lie.)
#PeteButtigieg precinct captain in rural Iowa responds to a caucus-goer flipping out upon learning that he has a same-sex partner. It’s a masterclass in patience, persistence, and love. Bravo @nikkiheever #IowaCaucuses #cresco #howardcountyiowa
— Annabel Park (@annabelpark) February 4, 2020
Because of the conspiracy theory age in which we live, people have posited that the voter is a plant, for surely no one could be that ignorant of Mayor Pete's sexuality. However, most Americans are not obsessed with politics. A lot of people confine themselves to reading a candidate's policy statements, ignoring other (mostly) inessential details.
Regarding Buttigieg's policy statements, it's worth remembering that, behind that affable "Leave It to Beaver" exterior, Buttigieg is a red diaper baby and almost as hard a leftist as Warren and Bernie — not to mention the fact that he was a mediocre mayor at best.
In 2011, when Buttigieg was elected mayor of South Bend, Indiana, only 10% of the city's residents voted for him, with fewer than 8% later re-electing him. South Bend, incidentally, is the 306th largest city in America but ranks 69th in a list of America's most dangerous cities. As mayor, Buttigieg's accomplishments including firing the black police chief, gentrifying black neighborhoods, funding a nightly laser light show, and fighting Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
On the debate stage, Buttigieg revealed himself to be a generic modern Progressive, pro-everything LGBT, pro-big government, pro-socialized medicine (although in a slo-mo fashion), pro-open borders, etc. For a 37-year-old leftist, Buttigieg's political accomplishments are decent, his military service is laudable, and his intelligence is real. He's also a smooth and articulate speaker.
The problem is that there's absolutely nothing in Buttigieg's résumé, whether his good grades, his seven-month military tour, his short stint in the private sector, or his average service as mayor, to indicate that he has the experience or the ability to take on the role of senior executive officer for the entire United States of America.
Boiled down to its essentials, all Buttigieg has to offer is being the gay version of Obama. After all, Obama had nothing to offer in terms of experience or expertise for the role he took on, and, once in that role (i.e., as president), his accomplishments were dismal, to say the least. And at least one voter discovered that the whole gay thing didn't appeal to her.