Saturday schadenfreude: A look back at media bigwigs who claimed the Steele dossier was reliable

Michael Horowitz's investigation has devastated the Steele dossier's credibility, exposing it as a fantasy based on barroom boasting.  I have come to believe that the DOJ inspector general laid a crafty trap for the Dems' political and media phonies, who rushed to extol his report based on the sound bites he offered.

His carefully worded finding that there was "no testimonial or documentary evidence" of FBI bias was seized upon as Horowitz had to assume it would be.  But upon further consideration, the limits of that finding became obvious, while the devastating evidence in the body of the report took a few days to be absorbed.  As a result, nobody can defend the Steele dossier now.  But pre-Horowitz, they were dupes at best, collaborators with the Dems at worst.

Matt Vespa of Townhall and John Nolte of Breitbart have collected  examples of media biggies earlier staking their credibility on the value of the "evidence" that Hillary and the DNC assembled that was used by the Deep State to get FISA Court permission to spy on the Trump campaign and later presidency.

It's schadenfreudelicious.  Here are just a few of many examples:

Photo credit: Twitter video screen grab.

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