Who is this toilet-mouthed Chrissy Teigen, and why is she associated with housewares at Target?
Retail giant Target features smart-looking, presumably high-sale tableware on its endcaps, with one brand featuring the name of a Hollywood actress and wannabe cooking guru named Chrissy Teigen. It's nice-looking stuff, but I've always been leery of buying any, given some negative remarks she made about President Trump and his voters a few years ago. The woman is married to a musician named John Legend and obviously doesn't want or need my money. One wonders why Target signed her on, given her willingness to alienate a signficant part of her potential buyer base at a mass market store. She had, after all, done lots of glossy-magazine publicity to promote her side hustle, but I had guessed that Target viewed that spot of political nastiness as typical Hollywood blather and maybe water under the bridge, because she hasn't said anything obnoxious since.
Oh, wait.
President Trump made a long, rambling serious of tweets about his work with criminal justice reform and named assorted Hollywood characters who hadn't been on his team.
At one point, he mentioned Legend's "filthy mouthed wife," and Teigen recognized herself right away. Here's Trump, with the yellow highlight mine:
Then I went to Teigen's Twitter site — and was taken aback. Teigen's entire Twitter page was like an unflushed toilet, with the foulest of language directed at Trump, interspersed in a hellscape of vulgarities, banalities, and trivialities such as a video of herself in the act of passing gas, if not manically laughing or else posting pictures of her kids accompanied by foul-language observations. It was an open call for eye bleach.
Trump must have known who Teigen is in describing her as "filthy mouthed," of all the things he could have done to describe her. But rather than show him otherwise by not being foul-mouthed for a spell, Teigen stepped up the barnyard language, emitting an amazingly vile and vulgar series of tweets:
And Target is shilling merchandise with this vulgarian's name on it? Normally, a person's name on merchandise is presumably a mark of high quality and integrity. And Target's annual report for 2018 emphasizes the importance of distinguishing its brand from its competitors.
I didn't find any commentary or even crowing about Teigen, but something tells me this isn't the kind of distinction they had in mind.
These Teigen tweets suggest maybe a convict in prison or Beavis and Butthead, or some miserable loser who lives in his mom's basement. Nobody talks like that who walks around the mainstream world. Celebs like to endorse products to rake in big bucks, but when they do that, the rule has been to be on their best behavior in order to keep the money flowing in.
Corporations such a Target, meanwhile, despite its move into allowing grown men into the women's bathrooms, which enraged customers, has generally played it safe and done as much as possible to take its name off controversial issues.
Apparently, Target is OK with this kind of vulgarity, or else there are going to be some changes to protect the brand. One can only cross one's fingers and expect Target to do the thing.