Georgia House minority leader picked on wrong victim when fabricating a 'send her back' race incident

See also: Showdown at the supermarket check-out line corral

Democrats are so besotted with what they see as an opportunity in the Trump rally crowd chanting "send her back" that they are inventing fictitious incidents in order to keep the theme in the news and attach heinous racism to Republicans.  That appears to be what happened at an Atlanta-area Publix supermarket Friday, when Erica Thomas, the state representative who is minority leader of the Georgia House, was caught with a large number of items in the "ten items or fewer" checkout line and asked to move by a patron in line behind her, evidently impatient at the violation of the rules.  

Thomas tweeted…

...and posted a very long video to Facebook (watch it here) that ticked all the boxes, literally weeping as she claimed that she was told to go back where she came from, and (naturally) denouncing the climate of hate and white privilege, and endorsing Ilhan Omar.

She then called a press conference on Saturday.

Oops!  The patsy she fingered showed up.

Thomas accuses Sparkes to his face.
(Twitter video screen grab.)

The man she accused of uttering these politically convenient words was no evil Trump-loving Republican.  Eric Sparkes is a proud lifelong Democrat and Trump-hater, with a history of social media posts to prove it.

Source: Townhall.

But he didn't appreciate being lied about (and like me, he hates it when people abuse the express checkout line).

You can watch the entire debacle that resulted — all 14 minutes of it — below.  But Andy Ngo excerpted the best parts of the confrontation in two tweets:

Here is the entire confrontation, via WSB:

Of course, this will be taken as a "he said/she said" incident, but I think the circumstances favor the Sparkes version, since he had no political motive to lie, while Thomas clearly did.  And he cited the surveillance camera, whose video has not (yet) been released to the public.

Hate crime hoaxes may be more numerous than actual hate crimes.  So, too, with racial incidents that don't rise to the level of crimes.  There is so much advantage in claiming victimhood that a moral hazard exists.

My guess is that none of Representative Thomas's supporters will believe Sparkes.  If he wishes to press the case, he can sue her for defamation and gain access to the surveillance footage.  If he were a Republican, he might do so.  But will a Democrat-until-he-dies sort of fellow press the case?  Let's hope he does.  Southerners place a high value on honor, after all.

Hat tip: Roger Luchs.

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