US troops pull out of Libya as fallout from Obama-Clinton policies continues


U.S. intervention in Libya in 2011 continues to reap the whirlwind of tragedy as forces in opposition to the "legitimate" Government of National Accord are attacking the capital city of Tripoli.

In short, it's a mess.  A rogue general looking to take over the government is making the security situation for U.S. troops "complex and unpredictable," according to the Marine general in command, Gen. Thomas Waldhauser.

The Hill:

"The security realities on the ground in Libya are growing increasingly complex and unpredictable," Marine Corps Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, commander of U.S. Africa Command, said in a statement.

"Even with an adjustment of the force, we will continue to remain agile in support of existing U.S. strategy."

Africom further clarified that the repositioning was in response to security concerns.

"A contingent of U.S. forces supporting Africom temporarily relocated from Libya in response to security conditions," the combatant command tweeted.  "We will continue to monitor conditions on the ground and assess the feasibility for renewed U.S. military presence, as appropriate." 

The worsening security situation is a direct result of policies formulated by President Obama and secretary of state Hillary Clinton when the U.S. led a coalition of forces to oust Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi.  The reasoning behind the intervention — that the U.S. had a "responsibility to protect" Libyan citizens from Gaddafi — had no basis in any strategic interest of the U.S., and, with no organized opposition to Gaddafi, had no chance of succeeding in bringing peace.

It was the worst foreign policy debacle of the Obama presidency.  But it's largely been swept under the rug — disappeared from history lest it tarnish the "legacy" of Barack Obama.

The Libyan uprising was part of the "Arab Spring" that was encouraged by Obama-Clinton and has resulted in massive loss of life while not changing the political conditions in any country — another failure that has been forgotten.

U.S. troops should never go back.  The government of Libya does not control much territory and it appears to be a hopeless cause to try and unite the various factions.  Like Syria — another Obama-Clinton failure — combatants will be fighting over the scraps for years to come.

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