The Mueller Report becomes a tar baby for the Democrats
Now that the Mueller Report is out, Democrats are in a quandary.
Unable to admit they were utterly wrong about sleazy Democratic operative Robbie Mook's original Trump-colluded-with-the-Russians-to-steal-the-election-from-Hillary-Clinton narrative, they're now scanning every nook and cranny of the Mueller report to find something useful to use to impeach the president. A very good analysis from the San Francisco Chronicle's John Wildermuth and Tal Kopan points to how problematic that is, given that the report had far fewer redactions to holler about than they'd hoped:
Democrats have spent weeks demanding access to the full, unredacted Mueller report, anticipating that Attorney General William Barr would heavily censor it. The focus on redactions served as a way of deflecting questions about impeachment.
But what Barr released was largely understandable and minimally redacted, with plenty of details Democrats could seize on to impugn Trump. Now the pressure is on Democrats to decide whether to consider impeachment, something that would please progressives but take attention away from practically anything else the party would like to focus on heading into the 2020 election cycle.
Few redactions means less to speculate about. Yet the Democrats can't stop themselves from focus on impeachment, and the Mueller Report means they have very little fuel for their bonfire. So they are left yelling about nothing and can't stop themselves.
It really is a bad situation for them, a tar baby, as the term goes, a problem situation that is only aggravated by additional involvement in it. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer and House speaker Nancy Pelosi are taking their fire to Attorney General Bill Barr as their means of keeping the fires burning.
Meanwhile, the far-left crazytown vanguard among the Democrats (Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the toilet-mouthed Rashida Tlaib) are barreling right ahead with an impeachment resolution, something they got themselves elected on.
Here's the problem: the impeachment thing has always been a non-starter with the broad base of American voters. As Wildermuth and Kapor observe:
No one's going to be swayed: Because the report does not contain a smoking gun, it is unlikely to change many voters' opinion of Trump. In fact, polls suggest that people's views of the president already are baked in and there is little in the Mueller report — or the news in general — that will change people's minds.
Yet as this goes on, Democrats are digging in deeper on impeachment as their signature cause now, minus any ammunition from the Mueller report, plunging their fists into what's in reality a tar baby, all because they can't help themselves.
That's what voters are going to know them for, since it will be their only accomplishment in this term.
Sound like a winner? They think it is. They're about to learn of their own stupidity with that tar baby, the hard way. And Republicans will helpfully serve as their savvier Br'er Rabbit.
Image credit: Wikipedia, public domain.