Sidney Blumenthal: Bob Woodward has been an 'FBI asset' since Deep Throat
It's déjà vu all over again, in Yogi Berra's memorable expression: senior unelected FBI officials conspiring with the Washington Post and New York Times to drive a Republican president from office.
Kudos to Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit for spotting a 2014 State Department email from SecState Hillary's aide Sid Blumenthal that was declassified and released in 2015. In it, Blumenthal states as a fact that Bob Woodward has been an "FBI asset" since the days of Deep Throat. See for yourself:
Deep Throat revealed himself in 2006 as Mark Felt, who had been the number-two official at the FBI and who was apparently enraged that President Nixon passed him over for promotion to the top spot. Given his senior position there, rather like that formerly held by Andrew McCabe, it might not be so surprising if he actively leaked to the Washington Post duo, and formed a mutual relationship between the bureau and the useful journalists, obtaining revenge while demonstrating the fearsome power of the FBI over elected officials.
It might also explain why Woodward's latest book, Fear, is such an attack on President Trump.
Bob Woodward in 2016 (via Wikipedia).
Thanks to Sara Carter's latest scoop, we know that the FBI lovebirds Strzok and Page were playing the same game with the same newspapers that broke Watergate via leaks:
A series of text messages released Wednesday reveal that former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok was in contact with reporters at the New York Times and Washington Post regarding stories they published about the FBI's investigation into alleged collusion between Russia and President Trump's campaign during the spring of 2017, according to a series of texts obtained by
The text messages suggest that Strzok, along with his paramour, former FBI Attorney Lisa Page, had been in contact with reporters from both newspapers. Strzok specifically mentioned two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times writer Michael Schmidt his text message to Page.
Strzok wrote, "Also, apparently Times is angry with us about the WP (Washington Post) scoop and earlier discussion we had about the Schmidt piece that had so many inaccuracies. Too much to detail here, but I told Mike (redacted) and Andy they need to understand we were absolutely dealing in good faith with them," Strzok texted to Page on April 14, 2017. "The FISA one, coupled with the Guardian piece from yesterday." (The New York Times did not respond immediately for comment. The Washington Post also did not respond immediately for comment.)
It is all so familiar: unelected senior people in the FBI conspiring with liberal media to harm – and eventually drive out of office – a Republican president whom they hate.