DC McAllister forced into hiding following rape, death threats

Frequent Fox News guest and cultural commentator D.C. McAllister has been forced into hiding after she posted a tweet denouncing the pro-abortion movement for its "unhinged desire for irresponsible sex."



PJ Media's Tyler O'Neil reports that McCallister received "credible" death and rape threats and, after consultation with her family, has gone into hiding and stopped posting on social media.

As if to prove McAllister's point about depravity, abortion activists jumped on her case, calling her everything from crazy to misogynist to a supporter of "The Handmaid's Tale."

But the real danger came from elsewhere.  McAllister told PJ Media that she received death and rape threats, over multiple forms of private communication.

"They are threats outside of Twitter, stating they know where I live," McAllister said.  "Threats of rape and strangling.  I spoke to the police.  I am on home watch."

"My children are very frightened," she added.

You might think that even McAllister's detractors would express some sympathy or outrage.  Guess again:



Some people responded with sympathy ... to the person making the death and rape threats!  "People don't react well to your extremism," a user named Monika D. responded.

These threats weren't just "bad reactions" to her tweet, however.  "These threats aren’t lame Twitter threats," McAllister explained.  "Anyone who says we're not in a culture war is deluded.  It's important for us to have each other's backs."

When confronted by internet crazy people, the problem goes beyond any kind of "culture war":



Just who is "unhinged"?

A "pro-choice" activist with 6,500 followers tweeted, "May God have mercy on your soul.  I sure would not."

Andre Brock, a self-described "writer at large" in Washington state, took it upon himself to tweet, "Too bad your mother didn't have an abortion."

The depravity of these people is beyond belief.  It's not a lack of empathy.  It's a lack of humanity. 

McAllister knows where pro-choice women are coming from:

"I think the hatred for pro-life women is that they expect us to act in solidarity.  When we don't, they attack," McAllister told PJ Media.  "I also think it goes deeper.  Women have the legitimacy to criticize other women in a way men don't.  When we speak honestly like I have, they hate it because they know what I'm saying is true."

"That's especially true in my own case because I've been in the exact position as many women who want abortions," she added.  "I know how I got to that point.  The choices I made.  I know the fear of an unplanned pregnancy.  I also know the irresponsible choices I made to get myself into that situation.  I own it."

Abortion may involve some perverse form of empowerment for women, but power comes with responsibility.  "I want women to own their responsibilities for their freedoms," McAllister explained.  "One of those responsibilities is when you choose to have sex, even with birth control, you have the responsibility to be prepared for the possibility of pregnancy."

"You can't just end another human life because you didn't want to be responsible – all because you put a higher value on having sex than on human life," she said.

I don't think anyone can articulate a responsible, powerful pro-life position any better than that.

Police are investigating the threats against McAllister.  Until they catch the lunatic, she will remain in hiding with her family and off social media.





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