A little humility and wonder at the world can break the drive toward big government

There are a lot of arrogant politicians, bureaucrats, and others who say man causes climate change, and the way to control it is by letting the government enact more regulations even if it costs trillions of dollars.

These people know or should know that man didn't:

  • Have anything to do with the creation of the Sun, Moon, or Earth.
  • Determine the massive heat of the Sun, where the Earth was placed in relation to the Sun, the rotation of the Earth, or the orbit of the Earth.
  • Create the gravitational pull.
  • Create deserts, mountains, glaciers, rivers, oceans, or any other natural features of the Earth.
  • Put all the natural elements into the atmosphere that allows life on Earth to thrive.
  • Create or insert all the natural resources that the Earth has been blessed with, which greatly improve our length and quality of life.
  • Create soil and water that allow the world to be fed. 
  • Cause El Niño's and La Niña's natural, cyclical weather patterns. 
  • Invent the processes where humans breathe out clear, innocuous, non-polluting CO2, which then allows plants to thrive and invent the other process where plants emit oxygen which allows humans to thrive.

These people know or should know that:

- The climate has changed materially, cyclically, and naturally throughout billions of years.

- Since modern weather records began, the "experts" have continually predicted dire consequences going back and forth between warming and cooling.

- That scientists have materially manipulated temperature data when their predictions have been completely wrong.

Yet with all this information, the public is told that the science is settled and that with additional regulations and trillions of dollars being confiscated for the greedy, power-hungry government elites, they can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity.  They can't predict accurate temperatures within a few degrees within the current month, but we are told with certainty that they can control temperatures within one degree hundreds of years out.

Anyone who disagrees with the indoctrination is called stupid and a denier.  We are called deniers, even though none of us denies that that the climate always changes, because for propaganda purposes, they equate us with Holocaust-deniers.

With all this information readily available, in almost lockstep, the media just go along with the government power-grab with no questions asked.  It is as though they are all snake oil salesmen.

I believe that mankind has as much chance to control the climate as it has to control the miracle of human life from inception to birth and beyond.

The greatest invention or creation ever is the miracle of human life.  I have been blessed with three gorgeous granddaughters: Abigail Cecelia, age 4.5; Elizabeth Marie, age 2; and Mary Katherine, age 2 months.  I got to see all of them together recently.  They were created from a process and a tiny sperm and egg.  There is no patent on the process or on the sperm or the egg.  In a few short months, the process produces a human with all the body parts and organs necessary to grow and thrive.  Women were blessed with all the parts necessary to care for, nurture, and deliver these wonderful human beings.  Women were also equipped with feeding mechanisms that give a child important nutrients the first months after he has escaped through the efficient birth canal.  I look forward to watching my grandchildren grow and thrive and help the economy.

Even if humans are created in a Petri dish, you need a sperm and egg, with all their properties, and man did not create the sperm and the egg.

It is time that people learned that government is not the solution to all problems and that politicians have repeatedly used scare tactics to take more control of peoples' lives and to confiscate a greater and greater share of money and power for themselves.  The greed of politicians and bureaucrats seems endless.

It is a great disservice to society today and in the future, when debate is cut off so thoroughly in order to push an agenda, and the agenda is obviously to take control of our lives through confiscation of money and through additional regulations.  They pretend they can control the climate when they actually just want to control our lives.

I believe that Elizabeth Warren will admit the climate changes naturally and that capitalism, not government,  built our great country the same time she admits she created a fictional heritage for herself to enrich herself.

We are blessed to live on Earth, and we should celebrate the natural wonders of the world every day of our lives.

Image credit: Daniel Spils via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

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