Trump celebrates Ramadan, calling it 'a timeless message of peace, clarity, and love'

President Trump hosted a party celebrating the Islamic holiday of Ramadan.

"In gathering together this evening we honor a sacred tradition of one of the world's great religions," Trump said, speaking from notes.  He added that Ramadan is a celebration of a "timeless message of peace, clarity and love.  There is great love."

If there is great love, why is there tremendous hate in Muslim nations?  Why are so many people being slaughtered in Muslim countries by Muslims?

"It's a great month," Trump said at one point, grinning.  "A lot of friends, a lot of great friends."

Does America really have a lot of great Muslim friends?  Which Muslim countries vote with us at the United Nations?  Which Muslim countries call out the subversions of the Taliban and al-Qaeda and Boko Haram and Hamas and all the other Muslim hate groups?

The imam invited to lead the Muslim call to prayer during the White House event was Dawud Abdul-Aziz Agbere, a U.S. Army lieutenant colonel in the chaplain corps.

Well, that's reassuring.

More from the WaPo:

The White House struck a considerably warmer tone last month, when it released a statement from the president declaring "Ramadan Mubarak," a common greeting in Islam for a blessed holiday.  The statement praised the Constitution for ensuring Muslims can observe the holiday "unimpeded by government" and did not mention terrorism.

Why not?  Isn't that the elephant in the room: the fact that a significant number of Muslims are terrorists, and an even larger number of Muslims are passive or active supporters of terrorists?  Why not talk about that now?  By refusing to talk about the problems with Islam, our "allies" feel comfortable, but fundamental problems with the religion and the culture are never addressed.

"Ramadan reminds us of the richness Muslims add to the religious tapestry of American life," the statement said.

Really?  Have Muslims added to the "religious tapestry" of Europe, where they are raping, killing, driving over, beheading, and slaughtering people, especially Jews, left and right?  When people  hear the call to prayer over loudspeakers at 4 AM, does that add to the "religious tapestry" of American life?

I understand what Trump is doing for P.R. purposes, but these statements look as though they could have come out of the Obama White House.  It is disappointing that Trump would parrot such ridiculousness rather than confront our "great friends" about the problems with Islam as it is practiced by millions.

Ed Straker is the senior writer at

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