The end of the swimsuit competition is part of the war on heterosexual men

For years, feminists have battled heterosexual men on numerous fronts:

1. To label any attraction men show for women as "creepy."  Men being attracted to dangerous sexual activity with other men is never labeled as "creepy."  Neither is the idea of boys in girls' bathrooms.  But men showing attraction to women is called "creepy."

2. The "Me Too" movement includes criticism of men showing attraction to women.  Whenever a man is accused of sexually harassing women, all sorts of stories come out about him; invariably, some of the stories are the simple "I find you attractive" kind, which are lumped together with the sexual assault stories to mean one and the same.

3. The rape "epidemic" on college campuses.  Another big lie is that women are constant victims of rape on college campuses...even if they don't know it.

And now we have the Miss America Pageant, which will no longer have a swimsuit competition (and no longer be called a pageant).  Originally, the idea of a beauty contest was to showcase, and judge, physical beauty.  As decades passed, it was deemed too crass to judge women solely on appearance (as if that is never done in real life), and a talent section was added to such events.  Well, now organizations like Miss America are taking the physical appearance part out of the event entirely.

Women with double-chins, big bellies, and giant face moles, and those over the age of 70, can now compete to be "Miss America."

The beginning of the end can be seen when the Miss America Pageant appointed Gretchen Carlson, a former Miss America, to be its chairman.  What business does a woman have being the chairman of an event that is supposed to appeal to men?  Furthermore, Ms. Carlson has an axe to grind; she sued Fox News for supposed sexual harassment and walked away with 20 million dollars.  This is the person who was chosen to lead the Miss America Pageant.  Is it any surprise that beauty is no longer going to be a criterion?

This change actually has very little to do with women and is all about men.  This is about the feminist campaign to delegitimize the idea of women being attractive to men; this is something feminists call "creepy."  Yet women spend billions of dollars on products and magazines to look attractive.  Millions of women have no problem with such a competition.  The problem lies with feminists, who are looking for new ways to attack the bond between men and women.

The Miss America Pageant no doubt believes that it is not dooming itself by canceling the swimsuit competition and making the event purely a virtue-signaling event.  Liberals are like that – so deluded by how they want the world to be that they are totally ignorant of human nature.

Take a look at what Carlson said:

"We are no longer a pageant. Miss America will represent a new generation of female leaders focused on scholarship, social impact, talent and empowerment," Carlson said in a statement.  "We're experiencing a cultural revolution in our country with women finding the courage to stand up and have their voices heard on many issues.  Miss America is proud to evolve as an organization and join this empowerment movement."

When "GMA" anchor Amy Robach asked about potential ratings drop, given that some viewers may want to see women in swimsuits, Carlson dismissed the idea.

"Interestingly enough, that's not a highly rated part of the competition.  People actually like the talent part of the competition," Carlson said. 

How can a person be so deluded? I leave you with some reaction from Twitter:

Ed Straker is the senior writer at

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