Illegal alien kids are unhappy having to recite the Pledge of Allegiance
Not a day goes by without some headline about the suffering of illegal alien kids, nearly all of whom are eating and living better than they ever have in their lives, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. Most of them were sent to America unaccompanied by adults, so our tax dollars could take care of them. But apparently, some kids are unhappy.
They are being made to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. What's worse, they're being made to say it in English!
[E]ach morning they are required to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, in English, to the country that holds them apart from their parents.
Why must they say those words, some of the children ask at the shelter in Brownsville, on the Mexican border in Texas?
"We tell them, 'It's out of respect,'" said one employee of the facility.
Children in Guam recite the Pledge with a U.S. Navy sailor (DoD photo).
Imagine: kids who illegally come into this country; claim they want to be Americans; and then are forced to learn, in the host's country's language, the pledge of loyalty for the country they claim they want to join.
This in a nutshell is the problem with illegal aliens. Most want the benefits of being in America, but most don't want to assimilate.
Look at how harsh their life is:
They get pizza, maybe cold cuts. ... [T]he children continued their routines – karaoke on Monday, cake for those celebrating a birthday[.] ...
At Bethany Christian Services in Maryland, for example, the children get vaccinations and treatment for their physical ailments – "Stomach issues, skin issues, things of that nature," Brown said. Vigilant for lice, Bethany dispenses shampoo and combs. It also has teachers who instruct the kids in English, colors, letters, numbers. There's "playtime, nap time, snack, recess," Brown said.
In Bristow, Va., about 15 boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 17 arrived in recent weeks after being separated from their parents. Now they stay in some of the 10 modern, $600,000 single-family houses on the sprawling green campus of Youth for Tomorrow, a residential facility for at-risk children.
But not all is wonderful in dreamer-land.
[S]upplies were rationed so tightly that kids were given hair gel one spoonful at a time.
Oh, no – they're rationing the hair gel!
Youth-care workers were told to discourage children from speaking their indigenous Central American languages, he said, before the policy was reversed.
What a relief. Why should they be learning English?
Lawyers show up at the centers, sometimes bringing toys or stress balls for the children to play with. Some lawyers try to teach the kids about their predicament[.]
A worker leaving the shelter in her truck is asked how the kids inside are faring.
"They're eating better than you," she said Friday. "For lunch, they had fish, carrots, broccoli, a dinner roll. They're being treated very well."
A colorful jungle gym and a volleyball net sit in the front yard, which is shaded by tall trees. Neighbors said the facility has an indoor pool. One neighbor recently saw several little girls dressed in pink tops and shorts playing on the swings in the front yard. There are small basketball courts and two red tricycles for little kids.
These illegals have a higher standard of living than many poor Americans, at no cost to them or their parents. But the media persist in portraying these places as worse than concentration camps. When will we ever read an article about the sacrifices taxpayers are making to take care of these foreign kids with a high standard of living?
Ed Straker is the senior writer at