The left is apoplectic over a girl, a white dress, and an AR-10

The left lays special claim on so-called "Millennials," the latest class of brainwashed zombies to roll out of their four-year indoctrination factories who are programmed to be even more liberal than their predecessors, in favor of things like "social justice," men pretending to be women, and increasingly confiscatory gun control.

Imagine, then, how threatened they must be by one of their own who turns against them.

Kaitlin Marie celebrated her graduation from Kent State by posing with an AR-10.  She stated that she wants the right to defend herself.  She further schools people in the fact that an AR-10 is no more an "assault rifle" than a pistol, not having the ability to fire on automatic.

This is the liberal nightmare: an attractive, articulate woman not only standing up for the right to bear arms, but actually modeling with her weapon!  Marie is actually making the exercise of Second Amendment rights fashionable, which is why she is such a danger to the left.

Predictably, liberals simply can't understand the difference between a criminal having a firearm and a law-abiding citizen carrying one:

I think what Marie is doing is the very best way to fight for our Second Amendment rights in the court of public opinion.  For liberals in big cities, it is a cultural thing: they simply aren't used to seeing people carrying weapons.  The more citizens of all walks of life post photos of themselves with their weapons, the more accepted it will be.

For once, I agree with the left – I want to see a lot of diversity.  I want to see photos of young men with guns, women with guns, black people with guns, Hispanics with guns, Asians with guns, Jews with guns, all smiling role models who will normalize and even popularize the idea of gun ownership.

Ed Straker is the senior writer at

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