Alaska pols extremely worried that climate change will bring warmer temperatures
What's the very worst thing you can imagine happening to Alaska? If you're a liberal politician, you fear warm weather!
That's right: the liberals who run Alaska (the governor is a "former Republican" and the lt. governor is a "current Democrat") are worried that Alaska, with its subzero temperatures, may be getting warmer.
If this is really true, that the state is getting warmer, the governor should be getting down on his knees to thank Mother Nature, because on the whole, that would benefit his constituents.
Anchorage. Photo credit: Max Pixel.
But he isn't. Instead, he's doing what liberals always do: create a problem and then figure out a tax to "solve" it.
The solid permafrost that sits beneath many roads, buildings and pipelines is starting to thaw, destabilizing the infrastructure above.
There's a name for that thawing. It's called "summer." It happens every year like clockwork. Could this be a sign that climate change is getting worse?
At least 31 coastal towns and cities may need to relocate, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars, as protective sea ice vanishes and fierce waves erode Alaska's shores.
On the other hand, 99.99% of Alaska's population is totally unaffected. The 0.01% who decided to live three inches above sea level felt they had a promise, in perpetuity, that the sea level would never rise. They're very shocked and disappointed.
The Arctic is already warming faster than the rest of the planet.
If it's true, residents should be grateful.
Wildfires are growing larger during the Alaskan summer, menacing homes and roads.
Wildfires are bad. So are measles and meteorites that hit the Earth. None of these things has anything to do with global warming.
Native communities that rely on walrus hunting are seeing catches decline as sea ice disappears.
Has anyone noticed that sea ice has Alaska?
[T]he state's climate task force released a draft in April that included a proposal for Alaska to get 50 percent of its electricity from renewable sources like solar, wind, hydropower and geothermal by 2025, up from 33 percent in 2016.
Solar power. In Alaska. That's brilliant!
So is hydropower, especially in places where rivers freeze in the winter.
The draft also proposed cutting statewide greenhouse gas emissions one-third below 2005 levels by 2025, tackling sectors like transportation and "natural resource development," which includes oil drilling operations.
Good idea. Alaska is extremely dependent on "natural resource development"; when it cuts back on that, it will free up a lot of the population to become social workers and diversity trainers.
As one possible approach, the draft proposal says that the state could consider a "carbon fee and dividend program" that would tax carbon dioxide emitters and then reinvest the revenues in local energy efficiency and clean energy programs.
Taxes can solve global warming! If it weren't for "global warming," legislators wouldn't have a reason to propose a tax. What a coincidence!
I have no idea whether Alaska really is warming, though I suspect that if the Times reports that it is, then it probably isn't. But even if it is, it's not something caused by human behavior, and even if it were, we should then be doing more of it, not less of it, if we want to help Alaskans survive brutal winters.
Ed Straker is the senior writer at