White House Correspondents' Dinner a huge win for Trump

Trump-haters just can't help themselves, as was demonstrated at the White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) dinner Saturday night.  At that annual affair, a mean-spirited, vulgar presentation by purported comedian Michelle Wolf, attacking press secretary Sarah Sanders in very personal terms as she sat nearby, has triggered blowback of significant magnitude.  It was so offensive that the president of the association, Bloomberg's Margaret Talev, was forced to denounce it after hearing from her membership and realizing how much sympathy it was creating for Sanders and her boss, President Trump.

"Last night's program was meant to offer a unifying message about our common commitment to a vigorous and free press while honoring civility, great reporting and scholarship winners, not to divide people," said WHCA President Margaret Talev.

"Unfortunately, the entertainer's monologue was not in the spirit of that mission."

Talev, a reporter for Bloomberg News, wrote that many journalists in attendance on Saturday night for the annual correspondents' dinner reached out to her and expressed their "dismay" with Wolf's monologue, which was widely panned by people on both sides of the aisle.

There was, however, plenty of laughter and applause, and ex post facto regrets will not undo the deep harm to the White House press corps, and more broadly to the Trump-hating mainstream media.  Remember that these W.H. correspondents have to ask pointed questions of Sanders, who now has a great deal of sympathy from the general public after the affair, and who conducted herself with admirable dignity and reserve.  Those correspondents who want to push her to get more detailed answers are now tarred with the brush wielded by Wolf as nasty.  Sarah Sanders's job in parrying their thrusts has just gotten a lot easier.

Some of them realize it, while others are doubling down. See this ungrammatical tweet from NBC's Andrea Mitchell:

And then consider the response from her NBC colleague Ken Olin, who describes himself for Twitter as "director/exec.producer @NBCThisIsUs Lifelong Democrat":

And in a stark confession of an advanced case of Trump Derangement Syndrome:

Twitchy has much more on the fallout and the brewing civil war within the MSM.

President Trump has driven his media enemies mad, and they are in the process of destroying themselves.

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