World's smallest violin plays for illegals who are afraid to take food stamps

I remember a time, not so long ago, when the liberal media's position was that illegal aliens didn't go on welfare; in fact, we were repeatedly reassured, it was prohibited by law for illegals to go on welfare.

Well, times have changed, and the liberal media now feel so confident in pushing their illegal immigration agenda that they not only trumpet the fact that illegals are on welfare programs, but complain when not enough of them are taking taxpayer money!

It seems that the Trump administration is preparing a rule which would make it less likely to grant citizenship to illegal aliens who are on welfare, and illegals, who are also scared of being deported, are dropping out of welfare programs.

The Department of Homeland Security has drafted a regulation that would allow officials to factor in the use of benefits – like WIC, SNAP, the Children's Health Insurance Program and even housing and transit subsidies – when deciding whether to approve some visa or green card applications.

leaked draft of the proposal first published by Vox showed that immigrants seeking an adjustment of status, such as those applying for permanent residency, "must establish that they are not likely at any time to become a public charge" or rely heavily on long-term government assistance, lest they be deemed "inadmissible."

A study conducted by the National Academies of Sciences showed that 45.3 percent of all immigrant-headed households with children use a food assistance program. 

In New Jersey, three neighboring counties – Union, Essex and Hudson – have immigrant populations above 25 percent, according to census data. In those counties, participation in some elements of the Community FoodBank of New Jersey's outreach programming fell by almost half between 2016 and 2017, according to Julienne Cherry, the bank's director of agency relations.

A drop of 50%.  We are constantly told that there are "only" 11 million illegal aliens, but when they are "above 25%" of the populations of some counties and half the case load of welfare programs, there's got to be a lot more.

By the way, the article above uses the word "immigrant," which, when used by the media, has now become virtually synonymous with "illegal alien."

Adele LaTourette, the director of the New Jersey Anti-Hunger Coalition, said a church food pantry specifically organized as a safe space for immigrants has seen "unprecedented decline," as have reduced-cost breakfast and lunch programs in schools. 

I guess the immigrant safe space isn't so safe.

Missing entirely from this article is a discussion of whether we should be admitting immigrants, legally or otherwise, who are a burden to the federal taxpayer.

We are constantly told how virtuous illegal aliens are, how hardworking they are, and how much they contribute to our economy.  It troubles me that the above line of propaganda, that virtuous illegals are not receiving welfare, is at cross purposes with the propaganda that all illegals are big contributors to society.  It reminds me of 1984, when Winston Smith was forced to believe two contradictory facts at the same time.

As for me, I would be more interested in an exploration of counties that have greater than 25% "immigrant" populations.  After a certain point in time, citizens become a minority in their own country.  But don't expect a New York Times article about that.

Ed Straker is the senior writer at

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