After defeating a woman, Obama calls for more women in office

Using his former secretary of state John Kerry's habit of flip-flopping, former president Barack Hussein Obama latched onto the recent examples of (mostly) Democratic men behaving sexually "inappropriately" to buttress his fading legacy.  

Speaking in Paris, France – a foreign country – Mr. Former President impugned his successor's "lack of leadership" and then endorsed women for elective office "because men seem to be having some problems these days."

"Not to generalize, but women seem to have a better capacity than men do, partly because of their socialization," Obama said at the invitation-only event.

O-o-h!  But nine years ago, when Obama first ran for president, apparently men weren't having those same recently revealed "problems."  Therefore, it was perfectly moral for him to run against Hillary Rodham Clinton, who identifies as a woman, because, except for those numerous "problems" regarding her husband, former President Bill Clinton, male socialization, especially Obama's, had reached full capacity while women's socialization, especially Hillary's, was lacking.  Does this mean that the "problems," meaning the predatory sex proclivities among all those prominent men, began while Barack Obama was in office?  Maybe the millions of dollars Obama and his Democratic Party raked in for his own election and those of his fellow Democrats from the industries now revealed to have been culturally and socially depraved covered the social costs in return.  Yep, sure does seem that way.  

But not to worry.  Perhaps Obama is now endorsing women to pave the way for Hillary to run again for the presidency in 2020.  Or perhaps another woman, California's new junior senator, Kamala Harris, who is also a woman with non-white ancestry, has that "better capacity" that Obama suddenly noticed.

Whatever his reasoning, Obama is continuing his efforts to Make American Ungreat!

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