Democrat has the perfect solution to all the sexual harassment in Congress
Sexual harassment training for members of Congress? Ridiculous.
House just passed a bill I co-sponsored requiring Members of Congress and staff to complete training on sexual harassment, workplace rights, and responsibilities.
This is an important first step – Congress must do more to prevent sexual harassment and protect victim rights. 1:08 PM - Nov 29, 2017
Shouldn't every man elected to Congress have the manners and the social graces and already know the rules regarding how men should treat women in the workplace? Anyplace?
These are men who, for the most part, are extraordinarily privileged. Most have been educated at the best universities, and most, though not all, have never been poor. They have no excuse for being the harassing, abusive pigs so many have turned out to be.
Who is to blame for their disgusting behavior? Their mothers? Fathers? Their grade school teachers or college professors? These men themselves are. If they do not know better by the time they run for office and win, they do not belong in Congress.
That so many of the Congress break the most basic rules of human interaction is a sad commentary on the character of the people we are electing to represent us. They seem to think that winning a prestigious place in an august deliberative body means they no longer need to obey the rules of propriety.
Has it just now occurred to people like Adam Schiff that these people need to be trained, as puppies need to be trained not to pee on the floor? It seems so. Better that Rep. Schiff sponsored a bill that provides to the public the names of all those offenders whose victims have been paid off with taxpayer dollars. Perhaps that information would educate the voting public on how to be better judges of character.
Al Franken was a sleazy guy well before he ran for the Senate, but Conyers has been there for fifty-two years, and it seems that everyone in D.C. knew of his proclivities. Raúl Grijalva is offended that his $50k payoff was revealed by the Washington Times; he wants an apology! Like Jim Clyburn, Grijalva apparently thinks lawmakers should not be held to the same standards as regular citizens. This is well and truly a disgusting state of affairs among our representatives in the House and Senate.
Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton were both known sexual predators. They both got away with their crimes against women and maintained their status as "icons" because leftist men and women revered their political opinions. They were bad examples of men by every measure. But the freedom to continue their bad acts was perceived as a ticket to ride by too many other elected officials, who took their own victories to be the power to abuse women and their positions in Congress. And now we know only too well that the same predilections and abuses of power are rampant in the news industry and, of course, the film and television business.
The campus snowflakes and their anti-male professors who preach about the dangers of "toxic masculinity" have done horrific damage to two generations of American students. They are happy to tolerate rapacious behavior in men with the "correct" politics, and they have turned many of the young men of those same generations into pajama boys of Obama's vision for what men should be: weak, submissive, and above all not in any way masculine. Obama should know; he is the ultimate pajama boy. No wonder so many young women are confused about what they should expect from men and what the limits are as to what they should put up with.
Parents! Teach your sons to be respectful of women, adoring and protective, especially of the women they love. Teach your daughters that good men may be hard to find, but a girl will know one when she meets him. He will be respectful, adoring, and protective. He will never be violent, abusive, or cruel. He will have retained the manners and values his parents taught him if he was lucky to have such parents, or he will have learned them from some other role model. Most American parents still do teach those values. To survive the sustained attacks on masculinity that are de rigueur on any university campus will be a thorough test of a young man's strength of character.
If, as Adam Schiff believes, men already elected to public office need to be "trained" in how to treat women, it is too late.