Popcorn time: Feminists and Women's March leftists yell at each other over Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters

The Women's March is throwing the Women's Convention featuring Bernie Sanders and other feminists aren't happy about it.

Seems the flashier new group, which made a name for itself by marching against President Trump's inauguration in pink "pussy" knit caps, has annoyed the more garden-variety feminists by choosing a man to headline the group's next big event, upseting the delicate identity-politics political eco-system.

Daily Caller reports:

Progressives came out in full force Thursday to denounce Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders as the headlining speaker at a convention organized by the Women’s March.

Feminists and their organizations blasted the Women’s Convention, a three-day event aimed a female liberation, for having Sanders speak on the opening night of the convention. Some women took to Twitter to voice their frustrations, while others rallied behind a petition calling for the immediate removal of Sanders.

After all, who more logical to speak for women at a Women's Convention than a man? And not just any man, but one who published an essay on women's "rape fantasies" with multiple men during his days as a leftist radical in 1972. You can see the idiocy of this peculiar choice for a Women's Convention. It only make sense when one recognizes the Women's March is better titled the Ladies Auxiliary March for leftist politicians.

That's not to say the other side is not equally idiotic. The Women's March organizers are snapping right back at their more conventional feminist sisters by arguing that Rep. Maxine Waters of California will be the official keynote speaker, not the featured speaker, as Bernie Sanders will be.

Organizer Tamika Mallory also pointed out that while Sanders may address the women the first night, Rep. Maxine Waters is the convention’s keynote speaker. The outrage over Sanders only serves to erase the work of black women, Mallory added.

“To the folks yelling at @womensmarch & directly at me: Why does your version of advocating for women’s rights = bashing Black women leaders?” Mallory tweeted.

So, to complain about Bernie is to demean Maxine Waters? Guess there really were women who voted for Hillary Clinton solely because she was a woman.

The left has such fascinating logic. These people will be yelling and backbiting for years abouot this. They deserve each other.

The rest of us should break out the popcorn.

The Women's March is throwing the Women's Convention featuring Bernie Sanders and other feminists aren't happy about it.

Seems the flashier new group, which made a name for itself by marching against President Trump's inauguration in pink "pussy" knit caps, has annoyed the more garden-variety feminists by choosing a man to headline the group's next big event, upseting the delicate identity-politics political eco-system.

Daily Caller reports:

Progressives came out in full force Thursday to denounce Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders as the headlining speaker at a convention organized by the Women’s March.

Feminists and their organizations blasted the Women’s Convention, a three-day event aimed a female liberation, for having Sanders speak on the opening night of the convention. Some women took to Twitter to voice their frustrations, while others rallied behind a petition calling for the immediate removal of Sanders.

After all, who more logical to speak for women at a Women's Convention than a man? And not just any man, but one who published an essay on women's "rape fantasies" with multiple men during his days as a leftist radical in 1972. You can see the idiocy of this peculiar choice for a Women's Convention. It only make sense when one recognizes the Women's March is better titled the Ladies Auxiliary March for leftist politicians.

That's not to say the other side is not equally idiotic. The Women's March organizers are snapping right back at their more conventional feminist sisters by arguing that Rep. Maxine Waters of California will be the official keynote speaker, not the featured speaker, as Bernie Sanders will be.

Organizer Tamika Mallory also pointed out that while Sanders may address the women the first night, Rep. Maxine Waters is the convention’s keynote speaker. The outrage over Sanders only serves to erase the work of black women, Mallory added.

“To the folks yelling at @womensmarch & directly at me: Why does your version of advocating for women’s rights = bashing Black women leaders?” Mallory tweeted.

So, to complain about Bernie is to demean Maxine Waters? Guess there really were women who voted for Hillary Clinton solely because she was a woman.

The left has such fascinating logic. These people will be yelling and backbiting for years about this. They deserve each other.

The rest of us should break out the popcorn.

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