The media attack Trump no matter what he says or does

President Trump came out last Saturday and decried racism, violence, and bigotry on all sides in the wake of the violence of Charlottesville.  Somehow, that was bad.  Reporters, including those at my hometown paper, the Springfield, Ill. State Journal-Register, act as though believe that the violent, extreme far-left group "Antifa" must never be mentioned at all.  That's because they wouldn't want the public to learn who they are.

Then, on Monday, President Trump specifically said the KKK and neo-Nazis were terrible, and that still wasn't good enough for a lot of the reporters, because he was still getting trashed continuously.

On Tuesday, he again repeated that racists, bigots, and violent protesters caused the problems in Charlottesville, and from the response I saw, it would be impossible not to think this was a false statement, and that Trump was the devil.

Problem is, they're going to go after him no matter what he says or does.  He throws them what they want, and it just doesn't matter.

The issue, of course, was the taking down of the Robert E. Lee statue, and Trump clearly was stating that there were good people on both sides of that issue.  Not once has Trump ever stated or implied that neo-Nazis, Klansmen, racists, or bigots are good.  For the SJ-R, Sen. Lindsey Graham, and others to say he did is disingenuous at best.  Trump tweeted that Graham lied when he said that, and that tweet was true.

Polls show that a majority of Americans, including blacks and Latinos, support keeping the statues up.  It shows that the more than 60% of the people who favor keeping the statues up are not racists who support the KKK and Neo-Nazis, all of whom are minor splinter groups comprising obviously despicable human beings.  This is the view of Trump, and it matches the sentiment of the majority of the American people.

This should put the matter to rest, but it doesn't.  Yet at the same time, we see a double standard when the political leaders of the left find themselves in the hot seat.

A black man who wanted to kill white people and police killed five police officers in Dallas in July of 2016.  He was influenced greatly by Black Lives Matter.  President Obama and Hillary Clinton both made minor statements condemning the shooter, but they also brought up cops as if they were also at fault for these vicious racist murders.  Where was the condemnation by SJ-R, other reporters, and politicians of Obama's and Clinton's ilk for incorrectly blaming both sides and not specifically naming Black Lives Matter?  In this case, the five cops killed were not in any way involved with any controversial killings, while in Charlottesville, Antifa was protesting and fighting.  Why didn't reporters call on Democrats to censure Obama and Clinton for blaming cops along with the racist killer?

Black Lives Matter got its legs after the justified killing of a black criminal by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.  The truth was known early on, but the media and the Obama Justice Department allowed the anger in the black community to foment with the fictional "hands up, don't shoot" narrative.  I do not recall the media asking Obama to go out and call out the violent protests by Black Lives Matter, where some encouraged the killing of police. 

Antifa and other far-left, violent extremist groups travel around the U.S and the world protesting capitalism and the Western way of life.  (Who funds them?)  As with Obama, they want to remake America.  The fact that most of the media give them free rein shows that they support their message.

Trump has continually been targeted by the media and protest groups as long as he has been running.  It really doesn't matter what he says or does.  It fits into Saul Alinsky's rules for Radicals #13.  "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."  And: "Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions."

The target today is Trump, but no one should be so naïve as to believe that if he goes down, they won't just double down on whoever else is against their agenda.

Left-wing reporters throughout the United States are calling on Republicans to censure and run away from Trump.  One has to be extremely stupid or naïve to believe that these reporters will ever support the Republicans who run away from Trump.  The reporters are against Trump and his agenda, and it is actually the agenda that is the target.  These reporters, almost in lockstep, supported Hillary or Bernie, and they always will, no matter what they say or do.

In Illinois, Governor Bruce Rauner did not support Trump in the election, and he has continually run away from him even after he was elected.  Has this brought cooperation from Michael Madigan, the speaker of the Illinois House?  Sen. Dick Durbin?  Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, or other Democrats and reporters?  It clearly has not.  Rauner could condemn Trump every day, and that won't cause Democrats to support him.  Rauner gave in on a 33% tax increase, and that also didn't raise his approval rating.

Democrats are trying to target Trump, and the more Republicans they can get to also target Trump, the easier their job is.  It is amazing how many Republicans there are who believe that if they bend over, they will get adulation.

It would be easier to take one of the DJ-R's scathing editorials on Trump if they were ever 20 percent as hard on Obama or Hillary.

Maybe the SJ-R and others could condemn Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe for clearly lying to gin up anger and fear when he said there were weapons stashed throughout Charlottesville.  The police actually found none.  This has been labeled a misunderstanding instead of a lie by the Richmond newspapers.

It shows that Democrats are allowed to lie with impunity as long as their agenda is OK.

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