Long knives unsheathed for Sebastian Gorka now that Bannon is gone

Swamp-dwelling Deep State and establishment types have always hated Sebastian Gorka.  The plain-speaking defender of President Trump is too critical of the status quo approach to foreign affairs and too hard-line on jihad.  Because he reported directly to Steve Bannon, his many antagonists in the media and the swamp now see their opportunity to be rid of this inconvenient man.

Chris Enloe of TheBlaze surveys some of the material coming out now.

According to the Daily Beast, Gorka's job appears to only include going on television to defend Trump and the administration. And while Trump may like Gorka's performances, Kelly is reportedly "displeased" with them – putting Gorka's job in the potential line of fire.

In fact, during a recent "internal review" of White House staffer's responsibilities and performances, Kelly concluded that he "doesn't know what [Gorka] does except go on TV sometimes," a source told the Daily Beast.

Two sources told Bloomberg News Friday that Gorka may follow Bannon out the White House front door.

"The possible dismissal of Gorka suggests that Kelly is looking to root out Bannon allies and other officials prone to igniting public firestorms," Bloomberg reported.

The Washington Post further confirmed the information.

There is also a Twitter storm of old, discredited material.  But for viciousness, the CNN report that can be seen here takes the cake.  As Joseph A. Wulfsohn of Mediaite wryly comments:

The kindest part of the CNN segment is that the allegations that Gorka is anti-Semitic are "unfounded," adding there's "no evidence" that proves any history of anti-Semitism with the exception of a pin he received from his father that has ties to Nazis.

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