How about America returns to common sense?
Donald Trump's proposals – the ones driving so many people crazy – are simply policies that are good for America. They are just common sense. Because they are common sense, they deserve broad bipartisan support – which they are not getting.
America once had common sense coming and going. These days, not so much.
America simply works better when common sense is abundant. That is because the American system is designed to depend on common sense. This fact earned America the title "the common sense nation," a title it once richly deserved.
Common sense is consequently the best lens through which to examine what going on in this country. We have a great example of this over at The American Spectator. The article, written by George Neumayr, has so much to recommend it!
It is actually many articles in one, each of them astute and all of them presented together in a brief and readable form. The RINOs are handled neatly and swiftly, what they have in common with the American left is made clear, and what is really going on in American politics in 2017 is revealed. Quite an achievement!
Above all, Neumayr does what most needs to be done: he puts common sense precisely where it belongs – at the center of the political debate. Which of these statements by Neumayr is the more perfect?
This one?
Without common sense, without respect for the natural order of things, "conservatism" is useless. It is just destructive liberalism at a slightly slower speed.
Or this one?
... the vast experiment against common sense that is liberalism.
The longer one casts a wider net; the briefer one hits the bulls-eye with a laser beam.
Common sense has gone missing from our politics. Neumayr makes a beautiful contribution to the effort to bring it back. He uses the term "common sense" over and over, skillfully driving his point home. He also uses its virtual equivalent ("anyone with five senses and a functioning intellect"), and he uses the correct term for the absence of common sense: "nonsense." What he is doing is essential, because to restore America, we must restore common sense to its rightful place in American life and politics.
When America knew itself, it was the common sense nation. Common sense was once at the center of American public life because the Founders put it there. According to the American Idea, the American people are sovereign. The Founders believed that we the people are capable of political self-rule by virtue of our common sense. The Constitution is the Founders' design for how we, the people of the common sense nation, are to govern ourselves.
Today, political correctness is replacing common sense in American politics. The traditional issues of American political discourse – taxes, national defense – are being pushed aside by issues of political correctness. And political correctness is an all-out assault on common sense in American political life.
Why this assault, and why now?
Those who reject the Founders' vision have gained so much ground and are so confident of victory that they have moved on from attacking America's constitutional order to attacking the very foundation of that order: common sense.
We already live in an increasingly post-constitutional America. But a post-constitutional America is not enough for those who reject the Founders' vision. They want to move America down a path that goes beyond a post-constitutional America to a post-American America.
For America to return to itself, we must again become the common sense nation. That means relying on common sense, instead of political correctness, when we discuss what is best for America.
Robert Curry serves on the Board of Directors of the Claremont Institute and on the Board of Distinguished Advisers of the Ronald Reagan Center for Freedom and Understanding. He is the author of Common Sense Nation: Unlocking the Forgotten Power of the American Idea from Encounter Books. You can preview the book here.