Pollsters are going to take polls to see what is wrong with polls

This almost sounds like a fake story in the Onion, but, humorously, it is not.

I believe that pollsters should take a playbook from the global warmists.  When the temperatures don't properly coincide with their computer model projections, they just go back and manipulate and adjust previous temperatures to make their predictions look better.  It makes it look as though temperatures are moving up faster than they have.  Most of the media and politicians around the world just repeat the manipulated numbers as if they are gospel to push an agenda.  They even sign an accord based on these manipulated, inaccurate computer models in order to confiscate trillions of dollars from the public.

Pollsters, therefore, should just go back and adjust their previous projections to make the actual results look closer.  Most of the media won't care because they have always been willing to report manipulated numbers.

I have a novel idea.  Maybe pollsters should take a shot at polling the population in the way they actually vote instead of skewing the polls with people who vote the way the pollsters do.  I know that is a crazy thought.  Rasmussen actually gets pretty close, and he now has Trump with a 46% approval rating.  Newspapers and networks generally don't report Rasmussen polls because it makes Trump look too high.  They prefer the biased results that match their agenda.  It is interesting that Trump is higher than Clinton was at this time in Clinton's first term.

I am going back to adjust my college grades so I can tell my grandchildren I was a straight-A student.  That would be as truthful as the stuff James Comey said this week and over the past year.

I am also going to adjust my height to make my BMI look better.  A couple-inch adjustment seems very reasonable to get me to the healthier place on the chart.

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