Hillary Clinton creates group without the words 'she' and 'her'

Has Hillary Clinton had a sex change operation?  I only ask because her newest front group, "Onward Together," doesn't mention girls or women in the name.  It's almost as if her electoral defeat has taught her that identity politics no longer works.  If only.

It's nominally a political front group to funnel other people's money into leftist campaigns.  As if Hillary really cared about that.  What Hillary is really up to is cashing in.  She knows that now that she will never be president, suddenly people are less interested in giving to  her "foundation."  So she has started this political group, thinking she can siphon off some of the money to keep herself, Bill, and Chelsea living in the style they are accustomed to.

Hillary is using an odd quote to promote "Onward Together": "Resist, insist, persist, enlist."  But there are so many more interesting words ending with "ist" she could have used, such as:

Abortionist – showcasing one of Hillary's favorite subjects.

Hillary: "And it was thiiiis big!"

Narcissist – representing Hillary's greatest passion in life.

Anti-capitalist – which certainly represents Hillary.

Sexist – which represents all of Hillary's "Girls and Women" appeals

Rapist – Something for Bill!

Collectivist – another Hillary favorite.

And so on.

Hillary also tweeted collaboration with some fellow travelers.

o "Indivisible Team."  I think, given the election results, perhaps they should be referred to as the "Invisible Team."

o "Swingleft."  I do believe that this is the first time I have heard Hillary use the word "left."  I mean, she is a leftist, but she has always shied away from the word.  I don't know what this group does; perhaps it's involved with dancing, or, more likely, the practice of swapping wives on the East Coast.

o "Color of Change."  When sex appeals did not work (not enough people were "with her" in Michigan and Wisconsin), perhaps racial appeals will work!  Non-white people, unite behind Hillary, the Whitest of them all, as she works to dismantle the white establishment.

o "Emerge America."  Actually, I may have this wrong.  It may really be "E-merge" – perhaps the combination of a number of mailing lists from Hillary's bathroom server.

Exit question: Will even leftists be foolish enough to give their money to Hillary's front group?  Or will they prefer a younger, fresher face like Elizabeth Warren?

Ed Straker is the senior writer at NewsMachete.com.

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