Did the Prophet Muhammad really call on Muslims to fight global warming?
A hijabi opinion writer named Nana Firman wrote on CNN.com that the Prophet Muhammad ordered Muslims to fight global warming. So that's what the whole war with radical Islam, with the Taliban, al-Qaida and the Islamic State is all about -- global warming!
As a Muslim immigrant to America, it has been painfully frustrating to witness the Trump administration reinforce xenophobia against both immigrants and Muslims.
Has it been as painful as having a leg blown off in the Boston Marathon? Or being shot in San Bernardino by your co-religionists?
As someone whose faith is bound up with combating climate change, it hurt to see Trump impose an executive order that effectively denies the impacts of climate change I have seen with my own eyes.
Nana is wearing a hijab and otherwise covering her body from head to toe but feels it is global warming that she is "bound up" with.
Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings be upon him) leaves Muslims like me in no doubt as to the duty we humans share: "God has made the Earth green and beautiful, and He has appointed you as stewards over it," he said. There is no greater threat to our "green and beautiful" Earth than the more frequent and intense droughts, floods and storms brought by climate change.
What has killed more people in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria -- floods and storms, or radical Islamists?
Muslim-majority countries around the world are some of the most severely affected by climate change
Aren't Muslim-majority countries even more severely affected by radical Muslims?
Pakistan is another country that is extremely short of freshwater resources.
Is Pakistan's number one problem a water shortage, or a shortage of people who believe in tolerance for others?
I am not alone. Muslims... are united on the urgency of the issue of climate change
Do you think that's the main thing that united Muslims?
The Global Muslim Climate Network, of which I am chair, is also doing its part to encourage more Muslims to focus on solutions and take concrete actions, such as running their local mosques on solar energy.
The Global Muslim Climate Network? Has the FBI checked out to see if that is a front group for the HAMAS Global Warming Fund or the Hizbullah Environmental Defense Fund? And how many solar-powered mosques do you think there are in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia?
Saturday's People's Climate March reminds me of a verse in the Holy Quran that says, "We have created you into different nations and tribes so that you may come to know one another."
If the Holy Quran promotes such peace and tolerance, why are so many Muslims rushing out to kill each other rather than rushing out to buy solar panels for their local mosques?
This is more Islamist propaganda. Look, Muslims care about global warming! They are just like us! Instead I would ask Nana, who covers herself from head to toe, if all Muslims are also "united" on the ideas of clitorectomies, wife-beating, and throwing gays off of buildings. Or would she blame those things on global warming too?
Ed Straker is the senior writer at NewsMachete.com.