Vatican archbishop commissions himself into a 'homoerotic' mural
There are times when I wish a real news story was a fake news story.
This is one of those times.
The archbishop now at the helm of the Pontifical Academy for Life paid a homosexual artist to paint a blasphemous homoerotic mural in his cathedral church….
The archbishop, Vincenzo Paglia, was also recently appointed by Pope Francis as president of the Pontifical Pope John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.
The massive mural … depicts Jesus carrying nets to heaven filled with naked and semi-nude homosexuals, transsexuals, prostitutes, and drug dealers, jumbled together in erotic interactions.
Included in one of the nets is Paglia …The image of the Savior is painted with the face of a local male hairdresser, and his private parts can be seen through his translucent garb….
In July of 2016, while still under the direction of Paglia, the Pontifical Council for the Family issued a new sex-ed program that includes lascivious and pornographic images so disturbing that one psychologist suggested that the archbishop be evaluated by a review board in accordance with norms of the Dallas Charter, which are meant to protect children from sexual abuse.
The Pontifical Academy for Life, whose mission was to help promote a culture of life and thereby help defeat the culture of death in which we live, was founded during the pontificate of the late Pope St. John Paul II.
Pope Francis has, for reasons unknown to most (including me), decided to gut “reform” the academy, much to the dismay of many pro-lifers. The academy technically still exists, with Paglia as its head.
Let’s face it. These prelates—and I include all modernist clergy in this statement—are not wolves in sheep’s clothing; they’re simply wolves (there are some notable exceptions, thank God). They blast President Trump, yet they have poisoned minds and souls in a far, far worse way than the president could ever dream of.
On a related front, the clergy sex abuse crisis, which has cost the Church over $2 billion since 2004, was/is due largely to pederasty. As Bill Donohue of the Catholic League pointed out: “78 percent of the males who were abused were postpubescent, and since all the victimizers were male, that means that homosexuality—not pedophilia—is at the root of the scandal.”
Certainly not politically correct to assert, but factual.
I should add that those who struggle with same-sex attraction but strive to live chaste lives deserve our moral support, just as those who struggle with other demons but strive to live morally upright lives deserve the same.