Trump blamed for not letting refugees needing expensive treatments into America

Seriously ill refugees with diseases like cancer and heart disease are being denied access to America and free medical care (free for them, that is), and the WaPo says Donald Trump is to blame.

One is a 9-year-old Somali child in Ethiopia with a congenital heart disease that cannot be treated in a refugee camp. Another is a 1-year-old Sudanese boy with cancer. A third is a Somali boy with a severe intestinal disorder living in a camp that doesn't even have the colostomy bags he needs.

After President Trump's executive order last week, their resettlement in America was put on hold. Now, the organization responsible for processing refugees in sub-Saharan Africa, Church World Service, says that order could be their death sentence.

The Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said Monday that 20,000 people in precarious conditions would be banned from traveling to the United States under the 120-day suspension on refu­gee admissions that was announced Friday.

They aren't the only ones.  There are thousands of people in Bangladesh who could really use free American health care.  There are thousands of people with heart problems in China who could really benefit from it, too – not to mention all the Iranians who don't have colostomy bags but could use them.

How can we pass a single day without letting all these people into America and giving them access to taxpayer-funded health care?  By not admitting every sick person in every other country, and giving all of them free treatment, the liberal line is that Donald Trump is killing all of them, as surely as if he gunned them down on Fifth Avenue himself.

And it's not just medical care.

One 38-year-old Somali woman that Church World Service added to its list is waiting at a small refu­gee transit center in Nairobi. Her name is Momina Hassan Aden. She had recently had a blood transfusion and was raising seven children alone.

Not only does Momina need medical care, but Mom's seven children need American taxpayer money to be raised for the next 10-15 years.  All large families in the Third World need to be brought to America and need to be fed, clothed, and housed with your taxpayer money.  No other country in the world is responsible for this – only America.

President Trump seems to be in the odd position of prioritizing the needs of Americans over the needs of people in other countries, as if he felt more responsible for American citizens than for people in the Sudan.  Writers like this one in the WaPo can't understand this.  Can you understand their lack of understanding?

Ed Straker is the senior writer at

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