Hijabi NSC staffer quits, worsening shortage of pro-sharia officials

It was just revealed that a staffer at the National Security Council quit shortly after Donald Trump became president over his short-lived ban on entry into the country from seven chaotic (Muslim) countries.

A White House national security staffer resigned after eight days in the Trump administration. The Maryland woman is a Muslim-American whose family emigrated from Bangladesh.

She was a holdover from the Obama White House who had hoped to stay.

"It was a very tense and unwelcoming feeling," Rumana Ahmed said. 

Ahmed said one of the last straws for her was the president's executive order banning travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Less than two weeks into the Trump presidency, she quit.

As you can see from the photos below, Ahmed wears a hijab, in compliance with sharia law.


Although not everyone reading this may agree, there is nothing inherently wrong with having Muslims working in the federal government.  The enemy we are fighting are all Muslims, but not all Muslims are our enemy – not all Muslims believe in forcing women to wear burkas, not all Muslims want to establish a caliphate, etc.

But when you have a Muslim who works in the White House who wears a hijab, that's another story.  The hijab is a clear sign of a believer of sharia law.  We don't know which Muslims are our enemy and which are not, but of the ones who are, 100% of their women wear hijabs or burkas.  Those who believe in sharia law are much more likely to be sympathetic to the radical Islamic terrorists.

Beyond that, even if Ahmed was not sympathetic to the Islamic State, another fundamental issue needs to be addressed: does she support all the tenets of sharia law that come with wearing a hijab?  Because if so, her employment at the highest levels of national security is entirely inappropriate.

Sharia law dictates that a religious caliphate be established to rule the world.  Sharia law dictates that women be treated like property or, in the case of non-Muslim women, sometimes treated as sex slaves.  Sharia law dictates that women be mutilated and homosexuals be executed.  This is not a minority viewpoint; this is actually how sharia law is enforced in many Muslim countries.  And sharia law, as it is practiced, is entirely incompatible with the freedoms we associate with the United States.

If a woman wears a hijab, it is possible she doesn't agree with all the tenets of sharia law, but at the very least, it creates a tremendous question mark about her.  You have to wonder how carefully she was vetted and what kind of advice she was giving Obama.  You have to wonder how many more Islamists are squirreled away in the national security bureaucracy, now working for a new leader who once again agrees with them never to use the term "radical Islamic terrorist."

One would hope that the Trump administration carefully vets the Obama holdovers.  It's hard to be comfortable with the idea of a person working at the NSC who wears a symbol of the very radicalism we are fighting.

Ed Straker is the senior writer at NewsMachete.com.

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