Is the next DNC chairman more likely to be Muslim, Hispanic, or gay?

The race for DNC chairman is shaping up to a race among Congressman Keith Ellison, who is Muslim; South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is gay; and Tom Perez, the former head of the civil rights division (for non-whites) at the Obama Justice Department.

Mayor Buttigieg didn't reveal to voters that he was gay when first running for office, but they sure found out after he was elected, when he immediately pushed a bill that forces private businesses to hire men dressed as women and reportedly allows disguised boys into girls' bathrooms.

Tom Perez is a radical Hispanic, who ran the Justice Department to the benefit of only certain racial groups:

Perez dropped voter intimidation charges against Black Panthers who brought weapons to a polling place. In 2008, two men from the New Black Panther Party, one brandishing a nightstick, stood in front of a polling place in Philadelphia and became aggressive when a video tracker asked them what they were doing. The Department of Justice had a straightforward case against the two, according to former attorney J. Christian Adams, until Perez, then head of the agency’s Civil Rights Division, intervened.

Perez doesn’t think White people Are protected under the Voting Rights Act.... According to Perez, applying Section 5’s retrogressive-effect protections to White citizens would create ‘dramatic complications’ … noting that ‘many voting changes … will almost always have some racial effect in some direction,’ and if the retrogressive-effect standard protects everyone, then virtually no proposed voting changes would ever be approved.

Meanwhile, Ellison has associated with black racists and anti-Semites.

A CNN KFile review of Ellison's past writings and public statements during the late 1980s through the 1990s reveal his decade-long involvement in the Nation of Islam and his repeated defense of Farrakhan and other radical black leaders against accusations of anti-Semitism in columns and statements to the press.

Questions for discussion:

1) Which faction is likely to prevail at the DNC: Muslims, Hispanics, or gays?  Which group is most virtuous?

2) Which do Democrats view it as most virtuous to be: a Jew-hater, a white-hater, or a hater of established genders?

3) If Ellison wins, do you think he could retain Buttigieg as his deputy for outreach to Muslims?

4) If Buttigieg wins, do you think he could retain Ellison as his deputy for outreach to gays?

5) If Perez wins, will he condemn Buttigieg for his whiteness or praise him for his gayness?

Ed Straker is the senior writer at

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