Should Trump deny WH press passes to media who collaborated with Clinton?

Every media outlet is going to have a point of view.  That's pretty unavoidable.  But when a media organization directly collaborates with a political campaign, that crosses the line.

We learned from WikiLeaks that several media outlets were in direct collaboration with the DNC and/or the Clinton campaign.  That's why talk show host Sean Hannity is suggesting that Donald Trump deny White House press passes to these organizations.

On his radio show on Tuesday, Hannity bashed several major media outlets.

"Maybe Donald Trump should rethink how he deals with media," he said. "Why should CNN have a seat in the White House press room? Why should NBC have a seat there? Why should The New York Times have a seat there, or Politico? 

"Until members of the media come clean about colluding with the Clinton campaign and admit that they knowingly broke every ethical standard they are supposed to uphold, they should not have the privilege, they should not have the responsibility of covering the president on behalf of you, the American people," he said.

This is not a First Amendment issue.  Media outlets can say what they like.  But there is no constitutional right to have a press pass to the White House.  The White House press corps helps set the agenda, either with questions to reinforce talking points (for a Democratic president) or accusatory questions meant to put a (Republican) president on the defensive.

We learned from WikiLeaks that Politico reporter Glenn Thrush sent articles to the Hillary Clinton campaign for her approval before they were published.  CNN asked the DNC for (presumably hostile) questions to ask Donald Trump during an interview.  WikiLeaks also showed that the New York Times sent an interview transcript to the Clinton campaign for their approval and worked collaboratively with them on article topics.

These media outlets will never be fair to Donald Trump.  Why should they get a press pass?  I think that until they fire the people involved, they should be denied.  Right now the liberal media think there are no consequences for their rampant bias.  This would show them that there are consequences.  Once dropped from the White House pool, they would feel the sting of irrelevance.  It would also be a good lesson for other media outlets who get talking points from the Democrats.

Alternatively, Trump could give them press passes but only on the same terms as they gave the Democrats.  That means these outlets would have to agree to let him vet their articles about him before publication, just as they did with the Democrats.  They would have to consult with the Trump White house for aggressive questions to ask their Democratic interviewees, and so on.

Can you imagine the reaction of Politico, CNN, and the New York Times when they are told they are kicked out of the press pool and cannot return until they give Trump the same benefits they have been giving Democrats?

Ed Straker is the senior writer at

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