Muslim Nationalist Keith Ellison bad news for women, children, gays, golden retrievers

As a progressive, Prius-driving, NPR-listening, Birkenstock-wearing, fair trade coffee-buying intellectual, I am constantly concerned about the most vulnerable people in our society.  That's why I'm terribly concerned about the nomination of Muslim Nationalist Keith Ellison for chairman of the Democratic Party.  If he is appointed chairman, that will send a terrible signal to the most vulnerable people in our community, notably women, children, gays, cocker spaniels, people of color, people without color, climate change activists, transgendered he/she/theys, and even homeless people with persistent body odor.

Keith Ellison has links to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Nation of Islam, and Hamas, through his affiliations with CAIR.  These groups have terrible track records.

Hamas executed one of its own leaders for sexual activity with another man.  Homosexuality carries the death penalty.  That's a little more serious than refusing to make a cake for a gay wedding, don't you think?  Hamas not only teaches children to be terrorists from a young age, but actually recruits children to be suicide bombers.  Ellison has spoken at numerous CAIR events, and CAIR is closely linked to Hamas.

As for women, the Muslim Brotherhood supports the subjugation of women, including supporting violence against women and cutting off their clitorises.

Even dogs are not spared this savagery, used as unwilling suicide bombers by Hamas.

Ellison refuses to criticize these groups and continues to associate with them:

Ellison has spoken before several groups that have ties to Hamas, and has accepted money from a Muslim Brotherhood group; Hamas styles itself the Muslim Brotherhood for Palestine... Hamas repeatedly demonstrates genuine and murderous anti-Semitism, and Ellison has repeatedly shown himself willing and even eager to associate himself with Hamas-linked groups.

I call Ellison a "Muslim Nationalist" even though technically, radical Islamists want one pan-national caliphate.  Wikipedia offers no entry for "Muslim Nationalist," though they do have one for "White Nationalist":

It ranges from a preference for one's specific white ethnic group, to feelings of superiority, including calls for national citizenship to be reserved for white people.

Well, that sounds like Ellison's views about Islam: he defends radical Islamists and wants to bring more Middle Eastern Muslims into America, no matter what the risk to the rest of us.  I think that would show that he classifies the needs of Muslims as superior to the needs of everyone else.

If Ellison becomes chairman of the DNC, what message will that send to women?  And think about the children!  They will go to bed crying at night, knowing that this powerful man who consorts with terrorists now has a gigantic microphone and organization to peddle his hate.  I am sure CBS, ABC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and NPR will feature wall-to-wall stories of crying children worried about his ascent to power and the hate he represents.

Let me know in the comments section if I have successfully created the perfect "Mirror Mirror" version of a HuffPo or NYT article about Donald Trump.

Ed Straker is the senior writer at

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