Iran just learned the asking price for an American hostage
We just learned that Obama gave Iran $400 million to ransom four Americans. The Democrats and their media went ballistic in accusing Ronald Reagan of trading arms for hostages and wanted to impeach him. With Obama, the mainstream media yawned and returned to attack Trump on the Khan story.
Aside from setting a precedent that we will pay at least $100 million for a kidnapped American, which will endanger more Americans, Iran now has another $400 million to fund terrorism, in addition to the $150 billion Obama gave Iran as part of the nuclear deal.
There is no question that Iran has been the major source of funding for Hamas, Hezb'allah, and other terrorist groups. Iran has promised to destroy Israel. Americans and Israelis and others have died as a result of the Iranian funding of terrorism.
After we gave Iran all it wanted on the nuclear deal, Iran hijacked one of our Navy ships and humiliated our sailors. John Kerry then thanked the Iranians for releasing our sailors.
To give Obama the benefit of the doubt, he may believe that this "soft power" approach will work. But there is no evidence that Iran has stopped funding terrorism and has renounced its intent to destroy Israel. Hillary, running as Obama's third term and his secretary of state, who formed the policies in the Middle East, must be held accountable for giving Iran money and allowing it to develop nuclear weapons.
The obvious question is, why has Obama appeased Iran on every single issue? Does he really believe that doing what Iran wants will somehow make Iran stop funding terrorism and renounce its goal to destroy Israel?