Hillary will make the economy work for you...just as it did for Hillary

At a Detroit campaign rally on August 11, Hillary said:

"My mission in the White House will be to make the economy work for everyone, not just those at the top."

An observant voter, which would exclude most Democrats and Never Trump voters, would ask why Obama has not made the economy work for everyone during his eight years, and why Hillary did not offer her insights to Obama when she was part of the Obama administration.  If Hillary is vowing to make the economy work for everyone, then the premise of her promise is that the economy is not working for everyone.  So why elect Hillary as Obama's third term?

To be fair to Hillary, she does have some proposals that will make the economy work for everyone just as it works for those at the top.  By those at the top she must mean herself, her "husband" Bubba, and the Clinton Foundation as the best examples.

First, Hillary will show how you can give speeches at $500,000 a pop to foreign governments and Wall Street firms that need a friendly ear in our government.  Hillary does not explain how you can get appointed to a position of influence in her administration, such as secretary of state.

Second, Hillary will show you how you can read the Wall Street Journal and then make at least $100,000 on your first try on cattle futures.

Third, Hillary will show you how to make $10 million in 2015, $28 million in 2014, and $27 million in 2013.  Seems Hillary had a slow year on 2015 running for president and lying about her email server.  It took time from her speech-making.

But if $100,000 is not enough, or you are not good at making speeches, then you can sell pardons – for example, to guys like Marc Rich – for close to a million dollars.

Last but not least, you can have someone write a book for you, pass if off as your own, then have a friendly publisher give you a ten-million-dollar advance.

Hillary will share her proven track record of amassing $200 million since leaving the White House in 2000 with our silverware.  If you follow Hillary's program, you will not have to steal any silverware.

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