Did the false narrative about police killing blacks lead to the Dallas cop killings?

See also: Dallas police massacre: BLM demonstrators got what they called for

Two tragic police shootings resulting in the deaths of two young black men have set the country on fire.  And the politicians, eager to score points with the minority community, may have unconciously enabled the snipers in Dallas, who killed 5 police officers and wounded 6 others.

Before any evidence was gathered at all, and before any facts involving the police killings were known, several politicians rushed to judgment and declared a racial motive for the tragedies.

President Obama:

"We have seen tragedies like this too many times. All of us as Americans should be troubled by these shootings, because these are not isolated incidents," Obama said. "They're symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system. " 

Furthermore, the president took on the issue of Black Lives Matter versus its counter, All Lives Matter, noting that while the latter is true, statistics prove that minorities are more likely to be victims. 

That simply isn't true, or at least it's half-true, as I showed yesterday, writing about a new study that reveals that more whites die at the hands of police than minorities.  If you take into account minority representation, incidents of police shootings are higher.

What do "racial disparities" in the justice system have to do with these incidents?  Nothing at all, but it gives the president an excuse to raise one of his pet issues.  And the president's despicable attitude about Black Lives Matter trumping All Lives Matter suggests that if a black man dies in a police shooting, it's more important than if the victim is a white man.

Minnesota governor Mark Dayton also advanced the narrative that the police shooting was all about race:

“Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?” Dayton said, a day and a half after Castile was killed. “I don’t think it would have. … I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront that this kind of racism exists.”

What crystal ball or powers of divinity does Dayton possess that would give him the ability to view an alternate universe where the victim was white?  This is not only incendiary; it's stupid hyperbole.

But it's great politics.

Leave it to New York mayor Bill de Blasio to find a "teachable moment" in these tragedies:

Mayor Bill de Blasio said he was “reeling” after a pair of police shootings of black men this week—saying he feared such deaths would become a “pattern” in America.

“No parent of color, or parent of a child of color in this country, can watch that and not be afraid,” said de Blasio, whose two children Chiara and Dante are bi-racial. “You fear for the life of a child when you see a situation like this, because it’s inexplicable. That’s the problem here.”

Since we haven't a clue of what exactly happened, the idea that there is anything concrete to learn from the incidents is absurd.  Once again, we have a politician pandering to people's prejudices to advance a false narrative about race and the police.

The real question is, did statements of this type, that assume a racial angle to the police shootings, play any role in the deaths of five Dallas police officers?  We don't know yet.  We don't even know the race of the snipers as of early morning.  But the possibility can't be dismissed out of hand, and those responsible for pushing this narrative on us need to take a step back and examine their own consciences to discover if their political gamesmanship had anything to do with the attack on police.

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