Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-Penn.) convicted of multiple counts of racketeering and bribery

There was a time when you could see Rep. Chaka Fattah almost every day on cable news, especially MSNBC, as a spokesman for the Democrats, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the black left.  But now that he has been convicted of multiple felonies in federal district court, the mainstream media have almost no interest in him, and the phrase "culture of corruption" is nowhere to be heard. His local newspaper reports at U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah (D., Pa.) was convicted Tuesday on federal racketeering and bribery charges, putting an ignominious stamp on the career of one of the region's longest-serving members of Congress and all but ensuring that his public life will be capped with a prison sentence. The specific charges Rep. Fattah was convicted of reveal venality of the highest order: The verdict came after four weeks of testimony in which prosecutors painted the congressman as an arrogant lawbreaker who repeatedly turned to the money of...(Read Full Post)