AG Lynch: Orlando shooting 911 transcripts will be purged of references to Islamic terror
Attorney General Loretta Lynch has revealed that the Department of Justice will censor transcripts of the 911 calls made by the Orlando jihad shooter to remove references to his pledge of allegiance to ISIS. Speaking to Chuck Todd on Meet the Press (video embedded below), she said:
What we're not going to do is further proclaim this man's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda[.] ... We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State].
This will enable her boss, President Obama, to continue to reach “no definitive judgments on the precise motivations of the killer” and instead blame amorphous “hate” rather than violent jihad.
If the pledge of solidarity with the Boston Marathon bombers is also censored, it will help sustain the argument that gun control is the necessary countermeasure, because no guns were used in that jihad attack – only homemade pressure cooker bombs.
Speaking to CNN’s Dana Bash, Lynch exploited the families of the victims in serach of a rationalization for her bowdlerization:
The reason why we're going to limit these transcripts is to avoid re-victimizing those people that went through this horror. But it will contain the substance of his conversations[.]
Here is the segment from Meet the Press:
This move to shield Islam from connections with jihad terror is not a first. Recall that when France’s President Hollande used the expression “Islamist terror” in a Washington meeting, the White House censored those words from a video of the meeting later released:
The White House’s transcript of the event shows the French leader declared at the 4:49 minute mark that “the roots of terrorism, Islamist terrorism, is in Syria and in Iraq.”
But rather than include Hollande’s remark in its entirety, the Obama administration posted footage in which his interpreter’s English translation of the words “Islamist terrorism” was missing.
The audio gap was first reported by the Media Research Center, a media watchdog.
After initially posting the video without the edits, the White House took it down and uploaded it again with the interpreter’s voice muted, the MRC reported.
The nonprofit group reported that the White House’s official MP3 recording of the meeting was also censored, but that the transcript was not.
It is now a clear pattern of Obama administration officials playing defense for Islam, as a fraction of its adherents globally wage war on our civilization.
Update: Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit suggests some more specific motivations for the Lynch Islam cover-ip:
The obvious conclusion is they’re doing this because they don’t want people to understand what happened and why. There are a few reasons for this that I can imagine:
1. It would call attention to Obama’s miserable failures in the mideast and in counterterror at home, and make an even more obvious hash of Obama’s gun-control distraction tale; and/or
2. He said something specific about being motivated by Obama’s drone attacks on his “brothers” in his “home country” of Afghanistan, which would not only make Obama look bad but would also undermine his immigration storyline.