Black students found to be behind ‘white power’ drawing at state university

I have maintained for some time that there is simply not enough hate to go around, and that supposedly anti-hate groups and individuals are manufacturing phony hate incidents.  The psychology involved sometimes is complex, revolving around self-hate, but in other instances, it is purely commercial – the opportunity to raise money, or bullying – the opportunity to intimidate spineless college administrators into meeting demands for (variously) ethnic or sexuality studies programs faculty slots, student centers, or any of the other baubles purchased out of the high tuitions and student activity fees extorted in return for a degree.

The latest outrageous phony hate crime comes from Salisbury State University on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, a campus fully 25% minority, where black students had previously protested vague forms of racism.

Just before Thanksgiving, the president called a meeting with minority student leaders to discuss race relations on campus. It’s a meeting that ended abruptly, with students reading a letter asking for more time, and walking out.

“As students of color, WE DO NOT point fingers nor cast blame for the lack of awareness and understanding in regards to the black experience here at Salisbury University, keeping in mind that racism and cultural segregation existed long before any of us stepped foot on campus,” the letter read.

“However, we refuse to deny that the current environment on campus takes a huge toll on the psyche of students of color affected by the subconscious oppression.”

Subconscious oppression?  Exactly whose subconscious?  My guess it is the black students themselves.  Because:

The students identified as the people behind a recent racist drawing found at Salisbury University’s library are black, school officials confirmed Tuesday.

The image, found April 10 on a whiteboard in Blackwell Library, showed a stick figure being hung and labeled with a racial slur. Underneath was the hashtag “#whitepower.”

The university confirmed Tuesday, April 26, the students involved in the incident were black, spokesman Richard Culver wrote in an email. The university would not provide names of the students, citing the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

This information was first reported in the university’s student newspaper, The Flyer.

Since the incident, Salisbury University Police Department has completed its investigation, Culver said. In consultation with the Wicomico County State’s Attorney’s Office, the department has decided to not file criminal charges at this time.

The investigation is being turned over to the university and will be reviewed for any possible university policy violations, Culver said. If charged, those students who were involved could face disciplinary action.

Let me ask whether if white students had been the perpetrators, would they have been let off with no legal consequences?  Of course, I don’t believe that the First Amendment permits prosecution for expression of racial animus, but I do think fake hate ought to be prosecuted exactly as vigorously as real hate.  In fact, isn’t a fake hate crime an example of real hate?

Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit asks, “[W]ithout fake hate crimes, would we have any hate crimes at all?”  It’s a good question.

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